Twenty Nine: Saving Auradon

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Bella's pov

Just keep running

I felt my chest tighten begging for a rest, but I couldn't allow it. I hadn't ran like this in a long time and I cursed at myself for not. A gunshot rung loudly and I ducked in time noticing Gaston had shot at a window near my head. I gasped curling my fist to convince myself to not die. It was clear Gaston wanted to kill me and perhaps drag my body to my family to taunt them. A second gunshot had awaken the night and I hissed at the burning sensation in my arm.

" Ah !" I yelped sparing a glance down to see the bullet had grazed my arm. The town square came in full view and I stopped for a second looking for purple hair." Mal !"

I waited for her voice to only hear silence. I jogged ahead opening my mouth to call her again when a hand wrapped around my mouth and pulled me towards a tight alleyway. I swung my arms back only to be face to face with Harry himself.

" Sh !" He hushed placing his finger on his mouth and nodded his head.

" Come out, Princess." Gaston taunted slowly walking around the town square for me.

A twig had snapped in the distance and he smiled moving towards the sound leaving far from us. I let out a deep breath looking up to the confused pirate right in front of me.

" Harry-"

" How is he here ?" Harry questioned slowly moving out the alleyway and checking the coast.

" I have no idea." I admitted following him down the trail towards Auradon Prep." Audrey did want to get back at my family. She could have freed him. Where's Uma ?"

" Come on." He whispered.

It didn't take us long till we came to the side of Auradon Prep seeing Uma leaned up against the side annoyed," So it was the princess."

" Gaston is here." I announced noticing her expression change to shock.

" What ?"

" Uma, I'm mad at Mal and Ben for lying to me, but they do need us." I admitted." Squeaky, Squirmy, Dizzy, and Celia are still in Auradon. They're part Isle too. Please."

Uma bit her lip thinking about something, but when she started to speak, a loud roar had echoed everywhere and I knew it all to familiar

" Come on !" I yelled racing to the other side of Auradon Prep noticing the purple dragon in the sky dodging green magic of the scepter." Mal !"

The moment was short lived when a gunshot rang through the land and when we turned, we noticed Gaston by the edge of the woods running his way towards us. Mal roared a second time and I groaned turning to Harry and Uma.

" You help Mal ! I need to take him away from the kids."

" Wait !" Uma yelled getting a hold of my hand." He'll kill you !"

I nodded my head slowly," I know." I answered running to the side and watching Gaston follow.

The only place I could really think of first was Castle and heaved my legs to run in the direction. My forehead coated in sweat and I wiped it off once extending my arm and breaking the front entrance of the doors. I glanced around my shoulders noticing Gaston's running figure and made my way in knowing I had to get him on the roof.

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