Chapter Twenty Four: Surprise

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Bella's Pov

I still could not believe I had yelled at my own family. I never yelled at them before, but they had gone too far with wanting to close the barrier. If the barrier was never opened, I would have never met Carlos. I would have never felt so loved or learned what it felt like to not be alone. I loved Carlos with all my heart. That could happen to someone else. There could be someone from the Isle and someone from Auradon destine to meet, but if we close that barrier, who knows.

And what about the flowers ? I knew my powers could do anything, but why would they just light on fire like that ? I walked to Evie's house alone wanting to blow off some steam and just rant to Carlos a bit. He always listened to me and made me feel much more better. I got to the door, but stopped seeing Celia and Dizzy were eating cake and not even coming up for air.

" Hey guys. Where did you get the cake from ?"

" No where !" They both yelled at the same time looking caught in an act. I didn't want to pressure them and nodded my head.

" Okay ?" I oddly answered before walking in the house." Carlos ? Evie ?"

" Oh no ! She's here !" I heard someone whisper, but it wasn't very good since I clearly heard it.

I frowned walking to the kitchen." Anyone here ?"

" Hurry !"

" Guys ?" I questioned only for confetti to pop in my face.

" Surprised !" Jay and Evie yelled while Carlos looked very annoyed.

I laughed looking around to see birthday balloons, presents, and decoration everywhere.

" What's this ?" I asked surprised and walked further in the food awestruck by how much stuff was in the room.

Carlos groaned and walked over." Bella, what are you doing here ? I was trying to surprise you."

" I got a little angry at my family and needed to blow some steam." I explained before noticing everything in the room was blue and yellow." Is this for Ben and I ?"

" Yeah, we were planning a surprise birthday party."

I felt the tears well up in my eyes a bit and smiled" Oh Carlos." I gushed." This is adorable. I haven't had a birthday party since I was six and almost revealed my powers. Thank you."

" Happy 18th birthday, princess." He said before leaning down and kissing me on the lips.

I heard Jay gag, but luckily Evie slapped him in the back of the head for me. Carlos and I broke a part laughing before he frowned a bit.

" Why did you leave your family ? Is everything okay ?"

" Can we talk some where ?" I said before leaning in and whispering." Private ?"

He nodded before turning to Evie and Jay." We'll be back."

" Okay." Evie and Jay laughed fighting with the poppers. Carlos grabbed my hand before we went to the front and sat at the bench.

" What's going on ?"

I didn't know what to say exactly. I didn't want Carlos to be sad by the sudden news, but he was my boyfriend and I always told him everything.

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