Chapter Twenty Two: Hades

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Bella's pov

I could tell the Isle had changed their ways already. It was almost a sin to smile in this place the last time I had came, but now everyone held smiles proudly and were more respectful. The minute we got out the limo, everyone had cheered and I couldn't help, but to notice the front of the Isle was a remodel of the front of Auradon. I knew in my heart these people wanted a second chance badly.

" Hello." I said cheerfully shaking some hands.

The Isle was excited to see me and I was surprised, but nonetheless happy to meet each person. Words like You're so beautiful like your mother or a wise princess is here kept floating around and I felt my cheeks heat up with every compliment.

" All right, boys."

" Let's hit the road." Jay announced and I walked over seeing Carlos and Jay were ready to take Squeaky and Squirmy to Auradon.

The twins looked up to their father very nervous, but Carlos patted their shoulders

" You're gonna see him soon, okay ? Come on." He said and I nodded gently placing my hand behind Squeaky's back while Jay lead Squirmy to the front of the limo.

" Ma lady." Carlos flirted holding the door open for me.

I laughed and waved to the people for getting in and seeing how shy Squeaky was. Carlos got into the car and sat next to me resting a bit and placing his arm around me.

" Tired ?"

He opened one eye and nodded." Very. I been up really late lately."

" Why ?" I asked only to see his face turned a bit read and he waited for an excuse.

" Um." He stuttered." Just class projects."

I knew he was lying, but I didn't want to press on with it. Knowing Carlos, he was probably up late at night playing video games or teaching Dude a new trick.

" Wanna sleep over tonight? Jay is staying at Evie's with Doug to help Squeaky and Squirmy settle in. I'll order us a pizza."

" That sounds like a plan." I laughed before placing my head on his shoulder.

Jay started the car and soon we were off with the kids to their new lives. I was excited for them to see the new land and for them to make memories just as Mal, Evie, Carlos, and Jay did.

" So, as soon as we get to Auradon, you have to try ice cream.

" And go swimming ?" Dizzy asked talking to Evie.

I smiled and looked over seeing the excitement in both girls eyes when being together in the land they always dreamed of.

" I can take you to the Enchanted Lake." Evie cheered before both girls were squealing in happiness.

Dizzy giggled." I can't believe I get to live with you in your very own castle."

" It's just a little starter castle." Evie said causing me to giggle.

I loved Evie's house so much and often went over there to hang out with everyone. It was such a pretty view and so peaceful at night.

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