Chapter Five: Human After All

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Third person pov

Bella smoothed out her dress and walked to the rest of the Auradon kids getting ready to preform for the Family Day. Bella smiled seeing Lonnie and Jane talking about their hair which were nice thanks to Mal's magic.

" Hey girls."

" Hey Bella. I love your dress." Lonnie said making Bella smile while looking down at it.

" Thank you, Evie made it for me of course. She's amazing when it comes to making clothes."

" Ugh." Bella heard and turned to see Audrey roll her eyes while walking pass her.

" Is something wrong Audrey ?"

" Yeah, you and your stupid brother." Audrey snapped causing everyone to stop talking and look over. Bella couldn't hide the fact that calling Ben stupid had made her upset.

" Excuse me, but don't disrespect my brother just because you too broke up. You made him miserable and now Mal makes him happy. Get over it. You have Chad now and he has Mal."

" I made him happy ! Stop lying !" Audrey barked.

" Audrey, I'm not lying." Bella calmly said, but the brunette was very annoyed.

" Yes you are you spoiled brat !" She snapped making Bella angry.

" I'm a brat ? Have you looked in the mirror lately ?"

" Yeah, so go off with your killer." Audrey snapped referring to Carlos. Bella's blood boiled, but before she could do anything, two hands got to her shoulder.

" Bella close your eyes." Ben whispered and she did walking away. When she opened her eyes to look at Ben, they were gold. Whenever she would get angry, her eyes glowed and that would give away her powers to the others. Her eyes slowly changed back to a normal green while she huffed." What happened ?"

" Audrey as always ! She was disrespecting you and I got mad of course ! Ben, she had no right to saying anything about us or the villain kids."

" Is that all ? Usual when Audrey does something to me you don't like, you keep cool."

" She made a comment about Carlos." Bella admitted and Ben nodded rubbing her shoulder.

" Audrey is trying to push your buttons. Ignore her. Today is Family day." Ben said and she nodded while getting ready. She stood right next to Ben when the doors opened and the beat started.

" Ma cherie Mademoiselle, It is with deepest pride and greatest pleasure That we welcome you tonight." Ben sang and looked over to his sister.

" And now, we invite you to relax. Let us pull up a chair. As the dining room proudly presents, Your dinner!" Bella sang beautiful while their friends sang.

" Be our guest, Be our guest. Put our service to the test, Tie your napkin 'round your neck, cherie. And we'll provide the rest. Soup du jour, Hot hors d'oeuvres. Why, we only live to serve. Try the grey stuff, It's delicious!. Don't believe me?"

" Ask the dishes !" Ben and Bella sang while staring to rap the rest with the boys.

" They can sing, sing sing. They can dance dance dance. After all, Miss, this is France, And the dinner here is never second best. Go on, unfold your menu. Take a glance and then you'll. Be our guest, Oui, our guest. Be our guest. C'mon, yeah be our guest, guest guest." They sang the same time Carlos and the rest arrived. Carlos looked down to see Bella was singing and dancing with Ben.

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