Twenty Five: The Isle Of The Lost

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Bella's pov

Audrey has the scepter. Mal's old. I'm leaving Auradon. My mind keeps racing with those three thoughts while we zoomed to the Isle of the Lost. I couldn't believe how bad this birthday was. I always expected my eighteenth birthday to be wonderful and so far I yelled at family, seen my brother's ex girlfriend turn wicked, and my future sister-in-law turn old. I stopped my bike at the edge of a cliff and turned to see Mal lift her mask up.

" Noble steed, proud and fair, you shall take us anywhere." Mal said before placing her mask down and taking off.

I nodded my head to Carlos before starting the bike once again and riding the waves. I felt beyond guilty leaving Auradon and not telling Ben. He had me promise to never go back unless it was with him, but this was an emergency. The Isle did not expect us to come back so quickly. Everyone gasped at the sight of us and quickly got out of our way seeing we came on bikes and not the famous limo. We all parked the bikes against a pole hearing the whispers, but I couldn't care. I took my helmet off fixing my hair only to see Carlos staring at me.

" What ?"

" Have I ever told you how gorgeous you look on a bike ?" He flirted causing me to laugh before getting off the bike.

" Once or twice."

" Hey." I heard turning to see Mal wiggle her fingers before turning to me showing her youthful skin." I'm me again."

" Duh. Evil magic doesn't work here. Kind of the point." Celia said waving her finger around the place before leading the way.

Evie laughed placing her hand around Mal's shoulders while I laughed behind them" Welcome back."

" Thank you." Mal laughed.

We followed Celia down a ally seeing how excited she was to be back home. Auradon placed a smile on her face, but nothing was compared to the smile on her face once on the Isle. She got to a door giving us a wide smile before making beats on it till it opened. My ears immediately filled with carnival sounds and I smiled at the memories. Carlos grabbed my hand with a smile also before we followed everyone inside. Dr. Faciliar's Arcade was the coolest place I have ever seen in my life. Many arcade games laid everywhere and I could tell the VK's had lots of fun here whenever away from their parents.

" Daddy !" Celia yelled loudly.

" Here she is !" Dr. Faciliar cheered spinning his daughter around before beginning to dance with her.

The smile from my face slowly faded at the sight of the father and daughter. I still can't wrap my head around me yelling at my own father. Maybe he was just being a protective father. As much as I hate to admit it, I could have died and it would have been bad if I did. I could never leave Mom, Dad, and Ben alone.

" You okay ?" Carlos asked.

I jumped from the sudden question bringing myself back to reality and nodded." Yeah."

" You sure ?" He asked again while we walked down seeing how excited the Isle kids were in the corner." You seemed to be thinking about something."

" I'm fine, Carlos." I answered with a nod before sitting on a bench needing a small break already.

All I really wanted to do was get this ember, de-evil Audrey, apologize to my family, and turn this birthday back around. Carlos smiled putting a coin in the TV before sitting next to me. The Tv glitched a bit before I noticed it was the front of Auradon.

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