Twenty Seven: I Never Knew

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Bella's pov

" She's nowhere on campus." Mal groaned, opening the doors exhausted and frustrated.

For an hour, we checked the entire school for any signs of Audrey, but nothing was left over. I looked around the room before my eyes glared to Uma laying on top of Audrey's bed relaxing.

" Are you laying down ?"

" Is there a problem ?" Uma questioned flipping the page in the book she was reading." Found her diary." Uma directed towards Mal letting out a small laugh." And dang, did you ruin Audrey's life."

" Did you find anything in there that we don't already know ?" Mal questioned.

" She hangs out at Fairy Cottage. You know, where Flora, Fauna, and Merryweather hid her mom from your mom."

" Yes. The irony is not lost on me." Mal dictated rubbing her chin annoyed.

I looked around the room before my eyes came onto a photo of Ben and Audrey. I opened the back of the frame before taking the photo out and unfolding it revealing myself to be next to Audrey. I was so small and had the biggest smile, but I stood three steps away from Audrey since she forced me too. I never knew what I did to her that caused her to dislike me. It was always her and Ben never the three of us. I remembered wanting to be friends with Audrey desperately, but she always brushed me off.

" Bella, do you know where Fairy Cottage is ?"

" No." I replied placing the picture on the desk before turning to the others." She never took me there. Only Ben on Fairy Godmother's day."

I heard Uma groan and turned seeing she laid back on the bed feeling the material." How could anyone with this bed ever be unhappy ?"

" Okay. How do I look?" Celia asked, and I smiled, seeing the little girl dressed in all of Audrey's finest jewels.

Evie smiled, but placed her hands on her hips a bit like a mother would do to her child." Okay. The bling stays here."

" But she's bad.

" And we're not." Evie declared watching Celia place back all of the jewelry.

" We should head to Evie's. Wait for the boy's to get back and see what else we need to check off our list." Mal announced before leading the way out of the place.

I followed behind closing Audrey's doors before seeing the jagged claw mark on the door handle. Ben. I felt my heartache, but turned away fearing what my brother could have gotten into to. Audrey couldn't of have hurt him. She was doing all of this to get him back in fact. I felt alone for the first time in a while. I didn't know where my brother was. I didn't know where my parents were. I didn't even know if Carlos was safe or not.

I just wanted everything to go back to usual. For everything to be like it was after Cotillion. We were all so happy with our lives and ready for the future. I felt safe and I had everyone I loved next to me. Right now, I didn't even know what the future held and it scared me. I wasn't ready to lose anyone or for evil to win.

" Nice digs." Uma gasped.

I looked up seeing we had made it to Evie's house. I didn't even realize how much we walked while thinking.

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