Chapter Ten: Ask The Girl

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Third person pov.

Carlos was in his room on his laptop looking stuff up while Dude sat next to him relaxing. He wanted to ask Bella to the Cotillion, but each time was shot down. It was upsetting him a bit he couldn't ask her since they did go on a date and they were best friends.

" How to get out of the friend zone." Carlos said while the news played in the background. Carlos looked over to Dude and smiled while rubbing his ear." I see you reading over my shoulder."

" Hey Carlos." Bella said walking into the room.

Carlos shut the laptop and smiled while she dropped on the bed and kicked her heels off. Carlos smiled even more since this was something she always did. He loved seeing her be herself around him.

" Rough one ?"

" Very. Had to do so much today since Jane got hurt and everyone rushing for the date. It's just so much to do and my shoulders are killing me."

" Come here." Carlos said while she got up and moved to him. He rubbed her shoulder and she smiled.

" Thanks Carlos."

" No problem, Princess. I know you have hard days."

" I do. Ben has been making me run around, test are popping out of no where, and this whole event is driving me crazy." Bella said before turning back to look at him.

" Well, I know what helps calm your nerves." He said opening his computer and quickly hitting a button causing a song to start. Bella smiled at the beat nodding her head knowing some singing always did edge off her nerves.

" I can't stay here. I am not the girl. Who runs and hides. Afraid of what could be." She sang looking up to Carlos with a smile." And I will go there
I need time, but know. That things are always closer
Than they seem. Now I'll do more than dream yeah!"

" I'm gonna fly." Carlos sang with her helping her up from the bed." Gonna crash right through the sky."

" Gonna touch the sun." She sang aiming her arm up.

" Touch the sun." Carlos sang mimicking her movement.

" Show everyone."

" Show everyone."

" That it's All or nothing." They sang together holding hands and moving to the ned jumping." All or nothing. This is my life. I'm not gonna live it twice."

" There's no in-between."

" No in-between." Carlos sang smiling and jumping along side her.

" Take it too extreme."

" Too extreme."

" Cause it's. All or nothing. All or nothing. Or nothing at all. All or nothing. All or nothing. At all. All or nothing." They sang falling against the bed in a fit of laughter.

Bella placed her hand on Carlos's shoulder feeling much better and perhaps a bit more relax.

" Don't get me wrong. I appreciate this life. I mean magazine's are saying how I'm a loner because I have no one to take to the Cotillion. I'm not a loner I just have no time and no one has asked me. That's reasonable right ?"

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