Want a drink?

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"Hahahaha.. I love this movie.." I smile, pleased by the ending that I've seen soo many times.

   The end credits were rolling, and most of the snacks were gone. Even the entire pizza pie was depleted. The only thing that was left was a bowl of sour patch kids, which I decided to munch on. I looked over at Jellal and Erza talking. 'Yessss! This was a good idea.' I look down at Gajeel and Levy, and see that Levy was passed out on Gajeel. Her head rested against his shoulder and his cheeks had a red tint to them. I didn't notice it at first, but I could immediately ship everyone in this room with someone!

   Erza and Jellal, Gray and Cana, Levy and Gajeel; heck, even this new person 'Laxus' would look cute with Mira!  The last person my gaze feel upon was Natsu. He was scratching between Happy's ears and smiling to himself. When he suddenly looked up at me, I quickly looked back at Levy.

'Hm...who could I ship Natsu with? Liz?'It felt strange to ship Natsu with anyone...'could it be because he's new? No..I was able to ship Mira and Laxus with no problem...what else could it be then?' I gave up on my mind and stood,  placing the bowl of sour patch kids back onto the coffee table.

"Would anyone like a drink? I learned a little bit while tending to a bar." I looked around. Erza asked for a Shirley Temple with some vodka, same with Mira, Cana asked for a tequila, Jellal and Laxus just asked for some beer, and Natsu asked for a vodka and ginger ale. I nodded and went over to the bar.

After a little bit, everyone was happy and sipping on their drinks. I made myself a tropical margarita and sat down on the counter top. The music was on again, playing 'This Love' by Maroon 5. Levy had woken up and was nervously apologizing to Gajeel for falling asleep on him. She got up soon after and poured herself a shot, quickly downing it and wiping her mouth. She walked over to me a little annoyed.
"Why didn't you wake me up!" She whisper-yelled.

"Because that's the closest I've seen you with him, and how could I just ruin the moment? Plus, he seemed like he was enjoying it" I chuckled and took another sip of my drink. Her face grew flustered and she no longer looked angry, just really nervous.
"How long was I out for?" She asked

"Hm...remember Crooked man?" I asked. She nodded slowly. "Well, you fell asleep when we first saw the music box." I laughed.
"W-what?! But that's like, a lot of the movie!! W-was I really lying on Gajeel f-for that long?" She asked nervously.

  I rolled my eyes "yup. You even mumbled in your sleep 'G-Gajeel' and he turned 10x as pink!" I laughed.
"WHAT!?!?" She asked.
"I'm just joking!" I was laughing so hard by this point, it was hard to breath.

She sighed in relief and lightly punched my arm. "Meanie.." She chuckled.
"Ah, you love it." I winked.

   Everyone had a couple more drinks, and then began to leave.
"Okay, bye guys!" I wave, opening the door for Cana and Gray.
"Bye everyone!" Mira said, accompanied by Erza, who also had a Jellal and Laxus with them.

"See you guys on Monday!" I say, watching them go to their cars.
  I heard a noise behind me and noticed Natsu bumping into every thing on his way to the door.
"G—oood byeee Lucccee!.." He slurred, staggering his way to the door.

"Wait a minute, Natsu." I quickly grab him by the back of his shirt. 'He's drunk? How much did he actually drink?' I question.

"Watz da matter–?" He asked, leaning against the door frame for balance.
"Natsu, you're drunk. I'm not letting you ride that motorcycle drunk." I tell him.

"Then wat am I goin do? They al left.." He pointed out the door to reveal no cars, just a lone motorcycle in the driveway.
  I sighed and pulled him back in the house, closing the door.

"You'll have to stay here till you're not drunk." I shrugged, locking the door from the outside world.
He didn't say anything, but I assumed that it didn't bother him. I watched him stumble back to the couch and collapse on it, almost immediately falling asleep.

I roll my eyes and began picking up all the party mess. Cans rinsed out and in the recycle; cups washed out and put in the dishwasher; trash picked up and put in the bin; beanie chairs packed into the closet; and pillows and blankets neatly folded on the coffee table. I use one blanket to cover Natsu with, and I turned off all the lights. Before I went into bed, I put a glass of water and a bottle of ibuprofen on the coffee table next to him, knowing when he wakes up his head would want to explode.

    Happy followed me into my room, and we laid down on my bed. It was about 2:49am, and I almost immediately passed out as I pulled the covers over me.

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