Mel, the angel

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POV: Natsu

"She's a friend from school. She just needs somewhere to sleep since her house burnt down-" I was cut off by my father.
"But we don't know her. And how long have you been in that school, 2 days? Is that the amount of time it takes you to trust people? How are you not dead already?" He sighed 

"Father, it's not like she's out to get us. She's not apart of them. They're the ones who burnt down her house-"

"What?! And you brought her here?! What if she was followed? And does that mean she knows about what happened??"

    I nervously nod 'yes..'  He groans and swats a pen off his desk. "How many times have I told you to be careful? Damn, I knew we should've just homeschooled you both..if we did, none of this would've ever happened-"

     'What? Are you fricken kidding me??'
"Father, no matter what we did, they still would be after us. And we can't just hide forever! Do you think that's what me and Sting want?? To hide the rest of our lives from a bad group? No, we want to make friends! We want to be able to go places! We want to find love!"

My father started to laugh.
"Oh, I see what it is." He started. I looked at him in confusion, "what do you mean?" I asked.
He rolled his eyes. "You have feelings for this girl." He declared.

"W-what?! No!" I felt my face heat up. '..d-do I?'
I look down and question myself, not at first noticing him stand and pour himself a drink at a little table in his office.

"I believe you feel otherwise." He pauses, takes a sip of some whiskey, and walks bak over to me. "Well, I'm still not happy about this situation, but the past can't be changed. No one else can no about our situation, you understand? You could put harm onto others if you do."

I nod, and he dismisses me. I quickly leave his office, and go into my room, plopping down onto my bed. It was about 10:21pm. I plug in my phone and pull the sheets over my head.

TIME SKIP: Morning


Knock knock knock

"W-wha-" I quickly sit up, terrified. I look around, and remember that I'm not home. I'm in a mansion. One that belongs to Natsu and his family.

"Hey Lucy? You awake?" I hear Stings voice ask, him being the one knocking on the door.
"Oh, uh, yeah!" I call out.
"Cool. Can I come in?" He asked.

He walked into the room, holding a small basket. "So, my mom had some spare clothes that she's willing to give you. You can pick out what you want to wear, and then leave the basket in this room. Okay?" He said, placing the basket next to the bed.

"Alright, thank you." I smiled and stood up.
He nodded, " come downstairs when you're done. At the bottom of the stairs, take a right and go straight." He then turned and left. I stared at the door for a little bit, and then looked down at the basket.
"Hm..what should I wear.."


All of the clothes here were dresses. But not any ordinary dresses. They were things that people would wear out. Like, expensive. Silk dresses that looked like royalty would wear.
I was able to pick out a light blue dress, that revealed some of my chest because it was a bit small there with fabric. Other than that, the dress flowed down to my ankles.
In the basket was also a pair of black shoes. I put them on and grabbed my phone. I could ask Levy for her charger at school.

   I left the room, and turned at the stairs like Sting said. After walking for a bit, I got to a large open room with a long table. Sting, Natsu, a man, and a woman all sat down at the table. I caught all their attention, by accident, and everyone looked at me. The first to speak was the woman. Actually, she stood up with a large smile, walking up to me.

"Ah! Hello sweetie!" She said kindly, pulling me into a hug.
"H-hi.." I returned the hug and pulled apart.
"So, your name is Lucy right? I'm Mel! And that grumpy man over there is Igneel! But don't worry, he's a big sweetheart. Now, sit down and eat, alright?" She brought me over to the table and sat me in a seat next to her, a large stack of pancakes being plopped down in front of me.

"T-thanks!" I feel a little bit weird, but at least everyone seems to like me so far. 'Mel' seems like an outgoing person, and with how she described 'Igneel', it doesn't sound like he's too bad. And I already know Sting and Natsu, and they seem to tolerate me.

   Then I remembered the situation that they were in. 'How could such a sweet family be in trouble with a gang?  And why won't no one help them out!?'
My focus goes back to the pancakes, and I pick up a fork next to my plate and begin to eat.

"So, Lucy. What do your parents do for a living?" Igneel asked casually, taking a bite of his food. I saw Natsu give him a glare. "Dad!" He whisper-yelled.

"No, it's okay Natsu." I turn back to Igneel, "My mother used to be a painter, and my father was a buisness man. Unfortunately, my mother got breast cancer when I was younger, and passed away. And my father fell ill last year and also went."

Igneel looked down, "I'm sorry to hear that." He said softly. "But..tell me. What is your last name?" He asked. I looked at him puzzled. 'Why does he want to know that?'
"It's uh, Heartfilia." I say, taking another bite from my pancake.

Igneel and Mel both look surprised. Mel turned to me. " you're the daughter of Jude and Layla Heartfilia?!" She asked, a hint of enthusiasm in her voice. I nod, and both Mel and Igneel look at me with wide grins. "What an honor to have a Heartfilia in this room!" Igneel said.
"We're both huge fans of your parents!"
Mel Said, and gestured to a large painting on the wall. "We have a lot of your mothers works!" She said proudly.

"And your father was one of the wealthiest men in Magnolia! Even more than Magnolia! He was such a proud and Nobel man.." Igneel added

I giggle at how the two were gushing about my parents. It's been a long time since I've talked about them, and it felt good to hear people whom admire my parents.

"Well, maybe you can talk about this some more later. schools starting soon, and I still need to bring Luce to her car." Natsu said, standing up and handing a maid his dish.
"Oh right! I forgot about school." I eat my food quickly and say goodbye, leaving with Natsu to his motorcycle.

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