What the hell just happened?

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POV: Lucy

Air. Air. Air. 'Air'. I take in a quick breath, panting aggressively. I feel my lungs recover from the smoke as I cough. I'm being held. I look up and see Natsu, before turning to the darkness again. This time when I wake, I'm sitting in an ambulance with paramedics holding a respirator over my mouth and nose.

I see another person, presumably a cop, holding Happy and trying to sooth him. I cough some more, and they remove the respirator.
"Are you okay ma'am?" One of them asks me.
"Yeah...what happened?" I asked.

  They put down the respirator and turn back to me. "From what we could tell, the gas from the stove was opened, which moved through part of the house. Something sparked it, and the fire started. You were able to remove yourself and your cat from the area, and the fire fighters came shortly after. It was mearly An accident." He explained.

    I wanted to believe what he said. I really did. But, my mind wouldn't let me. I could still feel the indents on my wrists, I could still feel the sting of the lady's slaps. I could still see Natsu, carrying me out onto the lawn, before checking my pulse, calling the cops, and then driving away. This was no accident. The questions were flowing through my mind. 'What did Natsu do? Why didn't he want to stay for the cops to come? Why did those people try to kill me?'

Time skip

A few hours had passed. I had to get checked up at the hospital to make sure I had no major injuries, and then I left. Levy had taken Happy to her house, and offered to take me as well, but I told her I had to do something first.

As I was leaving, I was told by the police that my house was pretty much gone. I was sad, especially since most of my things were turned to coals. But no one got hurt. That's good at least. 

I called an uber, and told them where to go. Actually, I had no idea where I was going. I didn't know Natsu's number, nor where he lived, but I remembered him saying that he lived on Leo st, and that was close by.

   The driver brought me here, and I walked down the side walk, gazing at each mailbox. 'The Murphy's, The Swarnerz, The Mulligan's...The Dragneels.'
  I stopped in amazement as I stood in front of an enormous metal gate, a huge house standing further in. I walked up to the gate and noticed cameras pointed down at where I was. A speaker box was to the side. I pushed a button, and heard a beep.
"Who are you?" Someone asked.

  I heard the cameras zoom in on me more.
"I'm, uh, Lucy..Lucy Heartfilia.." I answered.

"Okay Lucy, what brings you here?" They asked.

"I'm a friend of Natsu's, and I wanted to talk with him real quick." I heard the gates click, and I looked up at the cameras, giving them one last glance before going up to the gate and opening it.
   As I walked up the road, I couldn't help but wonder who these people were. They were wealthy, that's for sure. But that girl mentioned something about 'Prince'. What did she mean by that??

I got up to the doors that looked 3x my hight, and knocked on them. A tall man with long redish hair answered.
"Hello Ms. Heartfilia, you're here to see Natsu?" He asked.
  I nod, and he steps aside to let me in. As I walk in, I'm taken aback by the surroundings. The white marble floors and stairs, the dark red walls. The room was filled with paintings and statues, including a knight that stood in gleaming black armer.

"I'll bring you to his room." The man said, closing the door and leading me up the stairs. We soon stopped in front of a door, which he knocked on.
"Natsu, your friend is here to see you." And with that, the man turned and walked down the hallway.

I gulped nervously and opened the door. Natsu was sitting on the side of his bed, looking down in front of him. When I closed the door, I brought him out of a trance.
"L-Lucy??" He stuttered, standing quickly. "What are you doing here?.." He asked softly.
"I'm here for an explanation." I started, walking over to him with my hands on my hips. "Who were those people- more importantly, why did they TRY TO KILL ME??" I whisper yelled.

His face went pale and he gestured to me to sit on his bed. I plop down and he sits next to me.
"Did they hurt you.." He asked in a low voice. He sounded concerned, which made me feel a bit bad for yelling. Then again, I almost died.

"Not really, but I did get cut by the ropes.." I lifted my sleeve to show two brused slits around my wrists, dark and swollen.
He took my hand in his and examined my wrist, making me flinch.
"I'm sorry that they tried to kill you...it's all my fault..." He let go of my hand and put his fingers through his hair. "I should've known that I can't have friends...at least not while they're after me..." He lays back on his bed with his hands in his face.

"Natsu...what do they want from you? And, why did the person call you 'Prince'?" I ask him. He sits back up with shock.

I give him a questionable look and his face drops. He slouches over and sighs. "I can't...I can't tell...that could put you in even more danger.."

I roll my eyes "Well, I almost became a human barbecue, so I think that I deserve an explanation don't ya think?"

He sighs again and turns to me.
"Alright...but no matter what, you can't tell anyone. Deal?"
I nod.
He looks down again and starts.

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