Levy's parents save the day

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POV: Lucy

   Our feet creaked as we made our way up an old ladder to a broken 2nd story window. We both climbed up, and looked around. Dust and cobwebs stood on every surface, except for a path of foot prints leading throughout the room. I signaled to Natsu for us to follow the path, until I heard the sound of a dog growling. I looked slightly to my side, and noticed a poodle. It's fur was mangled, and it was missing an eye. It growled fiercely at us, wagging it's tail with aggression.

  I looked back towards Natsu, and the dog barked angrily.
"Easy there.." Natsu said softly.
"Fiona?" I heard a voice call out. A girl walked in the room with a gun, the girl who tied me to my bed.
"W-what? How did you two get in?!" She pointed the gun at us, and my response lead me raising my gun, pointing it at her.

"Put the gun down." I said, trying my best not to sound scared.
"And what? Waltz out of here?" She laughed. "After we've worked so hard to look for this kid? Like hell we're going to give up this easily."
   She shouted out for the guy, who came into the room dragging Levy.

"Levy!?!" I call out, looking remorsefully at my friend. She looked knocked out but she didn't look to have too much scrapes.
"Yup. We got your friend. Now how about we make a deal, huh? Your friend, for him." She gestures her gun to Natsu, who just stares blankly at her.

   I raise my brow. "Well, that deal doesn't really work for me. You see, these are both my friends. And I'm going to be walking out of here with both of them."

   The dog growls louder in the corner, walking closer to the commotion; and the girl laughed hysterically.
"You really want to save his life over this one here? Oh girlie, that's not how it works. You pick one, and we let them live. Of course, in his case, we'll just keep him alive till you got out of here, so you mine as well pick this little one and call it a day." She has the guy point a gun at Levy's head.

Just as that happened, several loud thuds were heard all around. Glass broke; doors kicked in; and eventually, multiple heavily armed men with large guns arrived in the room, all pointing their guns at the Succubus Eye gang.
"W-what the hell it this?!" The girl said, backing away in fear.

Almost simultaneously, the guns fired at them. Including one at the dog. What came out weren't normal bullets, but were darts. And enough of them were shot to nock out a bull cow. The gang dropped to the floor as quickly as these people got here, being nocked out by all the sleeping drugs that were shot at them.

One of the people, a man in all black armor, walked up to me.
"Lucy Heartfilia?" He asked. I nodded and he softly bowed at me.
"Mr and Mrs Gardner are very happy that you called them. Mrs. Gardner dispatched us immediately to take down these gangsters, and to bring their daughter home. They are in your dept." the man said, and quickly walked away.

The mess was cleaned up, and the Succubus Eye gang was soon taken out of the area and, what I believe, taken to jail. Natsu and I went back out to the car, him being befuddled the entire time. "Wait..what just happened?" Natsu asked, placing his pistol back in the trunk, along with mine.
"Well, when we first got here, I messaged Levy's parents and told them what had happened. Her parents are in the government, and they were able to dispatch a team of people to help save Levy. " I giggled and got in the car.

Natsu soon got in besides me, still a little confused.
"But, what will happen to Succubus Eye?" He asked curiously. I shrugged, "not sure. But we won't see them again, that is for sure. There was once a bully who beat up Levy. When her parents found out, the bully and his parents were shipped off to China. We haven't seen him since, and that was seven years ago."

He still looked a bit confused, but he stopped asking questions. I drove us back to his place, knowing that school had just ended, so no use in going back there. Natsu's parents weren't there, nor was Sting.
"Hey, you wanna go swimming?" Natsu asked, getting out of the car. We walked up to the house door, me suddenly excited.
"Yes! I love swimming!!" I say enthusiastically.

He chuckles as we enter the house. "Hey Wakkaba, could you please fetch one of my mothers bathing suits for Luce?" Natsu asked the butler.
Wakka nods and laughs, walking up the stairs with us and going towards Natsu's parents room. Soon after, I was greeted by a white and black one piece with flowers.

"Wow!" I said in aw, "thanks!"
I went in my room and put on the bathing suit.

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