The prince

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When Natsu left, I went into the living room and plopped down on my couch. I binge watched some 'stranger things', and during that time I decided to add on to a novel I had been working on. The day went by very quickly, and I finally stopped everything when I noticed that the streetlights outside were on.

I checked my phone, 'wow, 9:40pm already??'
I sighed and turned off the tv, packing away the pad and pencil I had been scribbling on as well. And with that, I went to my room.

Earlier that day

POV: Natsu

After that whole fiasco, I had finally gotten home. Because I had left so sudden, I forgot my wallet at Lucy's house. 'I'll have to get it tomorrow..'
I thought, walking in through the doors.

"Ah, good morning my prince." I heard to my side. I looked and saw Wakaba leaning against a pillar, his orange-red hair that reminded me of a velvet Twinkie.
"We've talked about this.." I playfully rolled my eyes and laughed, "you don't need to call me Prince, just call me Natsu."

Wakaba chuckled and stood straight, walking over to me. "Well, Natsu, I'd say you have three minutes to run up stairs and start looking like you're doing your homework." He got interrupted by the sound of a car door closing outside. "Make that two minutes." He added quickly, scooting me to the direction of the stairs.

I darted up the stairs and walked down the hallway to my room, where I quickly pulled out my bag, sitting at my desk with my homework. About two minutes later, a knock was at my door.
"Come in!" I call out, and the person opened the door. There stood my father.

"Your doing your homework?" He asked, peeking his head in before fully coming in.
"Yes." I nod and show him the math paper.

"Okay good. Come to my office when you are done." He says, and I nod again. With that, he leaves and closes my door behind him. 'I wonder what he wants to talk about..'

About an hour later, I get all my homework completed and leave my room. I softly knock on my fathers office, and he tells me to enter. He's at his desk.
"What did you want to talk about?" I ask, walking in and sitting in front of him.

He turns to me and puts his hands on the desk.
"School was good?"
I nod
"Did you make any friends?"
I wait, then nod
"...did anyone know who you were?"

I shake my head 'no'

He sighs in relief. "Okay, good. And I want it to stay that way. If anyone knew who you were, we would have to move again...I don't want all that pressure to be on you two idiots, understand me?" He looks me in the eyes.
"Yes father.." I say softly.

"Okay, good. Thank you. You may leave now."he responds, turning back to his computer.

I stand and leave the room, going back to my room and plopping down on my bed. Memories flood through my mind


"You're such a freakin coward, you know that Natsu? Just shoot me. That's all you need to do-"

He stands in front of me, a bullet wound appearing on his chest. The man smiles.
"I knew it." He then coughed up blood, falling to his knees.


This news went viral. In the headline was 'murdering Dragneels'. We had to move. We had to get away. We weren't charged with the murder, especially because the person shot wasn't a good man, and because it was self defense. But that man...he wasn't alone. There was more of them. His gang. Crew. People that are just waiting to find any bit of info to kill the person who killed their leader.

End of memory:

I sat up quickly, sweat pouring off my head. It was morning now.
'I must have fallen asleep..'
I stand up and stretch, before walking up to my phone and picking it up. I had a text message from an 'unknown'.
'I wonder who this is..'

I turn on my phone. I turn on my phone and see a picture. A picture of a girl. A picture of a girl tied to a bed. A picture of....Lucy'
'Shit' I nearly drop my phone as I grab my keys off my desk and dash down the hallway and stairs, though the door, and out to my garage.

Instead of going onto my bike, I go to my mustang. I quickly get in and almost take the garage door down as I impatiently wait for it to open.

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