Ski time!

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POV: Lucy

"Sh! You'll wake them!"
"It's 12pm! we should wake them."
"Oh come onnnn! One more pic!"

I hesitantly open my eyes and look around. I see Cana, Erza, and Levy all standing in front of me.
"Mwahahaha! I got the pic just in time!" Mira grinned, staring intently at her phone.

"What are you guys up to?" I ask, yawning and sitting up.
"Oh, nothing-" Mira was cut off by Levy grabbing her phone.
"Look how cute you two are!!!" She giggled, showing me ten pictures that Mira had taken.

One was me basically on top of Natsu. The next, Natsu had his hands tightly around me, and his head was against my chest. The most recent one was Natsu hugging my waist-
I look down and noticed that he was still hugging my waist.

"You three enjoy the show?" I joked, trying to pry Natsu off of me so I could get up.
"Oh yeah." Mira smirked, taking her phone out and taking another picture.

Removing Natsu was becoming more of a hassle, so I decided on waking him up. I poked his face, tried to push him by his chest, tried repeating his name.
"Do you two have this problem whenever you sleep in the same bed?" Cana asked, holding back a laugh.

"Pretty's like he's made of glue or something.." I say, trying once more to pry his arms off of me. Again, it didn't work. I used my fingers to open his eye lids.
"Natsu wake up!" I say in an annoyed tone.
After keeping his eyes open for a few seconds, he finally began to wake up.

"Ugh..stop it.." He yawned, trying to close his eyes.
"Natsu, it's time to wake up!" I tell him.
He rolls his eyes and removes his hands from around me.
"There, I'm up." He playfully smiled and threw the blankets off.

"Hip hip hurray! Snorlax finally woke up!" Gray chuckled, walking through the door with a box from Dunkin donuts. Gajeel, Laxus, and Jellal followed him.
"Where were you guys?" I ask, cutting Natsu off from having an argument.

"Well, we got breakfast!" Jellal chuckled, pulling out another box. Two boxes of doughnuts. Boston creme, jelly filled, chocolate frosting filled, vanilla frosting filled, strawberry frosted, glazed-
"Yay!!!" The girls ran over to the table that the boxes were placed on and everyone started chowing down.

"You want me to get you one Luce?" Natsu asked, standing up.
"A jelly one would be great, thank you!" I smile.

We use our complementary room coffee and there's just enough for everybody to have some. By the time we were finished eating and everything, it was 1:30pm.

"Hey, do we want to go somewhere?" Mira asked, throwing a napkin in the trash.
"Well, where would we want to go?" I asked.

She shrugged and left the discussion open to everyone.
"We could go bowling? Didn't we pass a bowling place on the way here last night?"
"Oh yeah! That sounds interesting!" Levy beamed.

"Ha, I bet I could beat Natsu at a game." Gray smirked.
" it Gray. I bet I could beat you with my eyes closed!"
"Oh yeah? Well I bet I could beat you one handed!"
"You only need one hand!"

"If this is how you two are gonna be, then maybe we shouldn't go-" I was cut off.
"No! We'll behave!" Gray and Natsu said in unison.

  We all split ways to get ready. Natsu and Gajeel were done very quickly, so me and Levy ended up taking over the entire bathroom. Since its bowling, something a little casual will do. I put on a yellow crop top and black shorts, put my hair in a high pony tail, and was soon ready to go. Levy waved her hair a bit and put on a black crop top that was slightly longer than mine. She paired it with dark grey shorts and we exited the bathroom.

"Alrighty, let's go!" I call out.

   We soon find ourselves at a shoe station in the bowling place. We got our shoes, and sat down at our designated bowling ally's. Since there is ten of us, we decided to break the groups into five each.

  Me, Natsu, Erza, Jellal, and Cana; Levy, Gajeel, Mira, Laxus, and Gray. With our teams all accounted for, we began the game.

Time skip

"YEAH!" Natsu danced happily, seeing that he just knocked all the pins down.
"Settle down tippy toes, you're still loosing." Gray taunted from the other side, rolling his ball down the ally and gaining the same score as Natsu.

"Gr...shut it ya copy-cat!" Natsu said angrily.
"Is that even an insult? What, did your brain overheat?" Gray laughed.

"''" Erza bellowed, picking up her heavy weight ball and moving over to the ally.

"A-aye!! I'll stop now.." Natsu and Gray chuckled nervously. Natsu walked over to me and sitting down at my side.
"Man...she's terrifying..." He whispered.
"Yeah, that's Erza for ya! But everyone here can be terrifying when they get agitated." I giggle.

When the game was over, we went over and enjoyed some loaded nachos and some beer. We ended up hanging out at the bowling place until it closed at 10:45pm, and then went back to the hotel laughing up a storm.

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