The egg-signment

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(Get it? Egg-signment? Instead of assignment? ....I-I'll leave...)

POV: Lucy

We got to my house. It was completely leveled. You could almost still see the smoke rising up from the ashes. My car, which had been moved by a tow truck, stood completely unharmed and by the road.
"Wow.." I said softly as we pulled into the driveway.

   The motorcycle halted and I took off my helmet, buckling it to the back of the Motorcycle so it wouldn't fall off. "Well, at least I kept my school bag in my car.." I chuckled, swinging my legs over to one side. Natsu grabbed my wrist before I could stand.
"Hey, um..I'm going to the store real quick. Be careful on your way to school, alright?" He half smiled and I nodded. He released my wrist and I stood up,  walking over to my car. Once I was in, Natsu steered out of my driveway and zoomed down the street.

  I started my car and went down the street, going on my normal way to school. When I got there, I saw Levy waiting outside. I parked the car, grabbed my bag, and walked over to her. "Hey" I waved.
She sat up against the brick wall and smiled. "Hello!" She waved.

  We walked into the building together. We went to our first class, which was a science class, and it had just been opened by the teacher. We went in and sat.
"I'll be right back. Don't do anything stupid while I'm gone." Mr. Taurus chuckled and left the room. Levy turned to me with her brow raised.

"So, can I know why I had to do some hacking last night?" She asked.
  I bit my lip. "No..I'm sorry.."   I said softly. There was a few seconds of silence. "Well, that's okay. Just happy I was able to help." She laughed and pulled out her school binder.

"Oh! Happy! Is he alright??" I asked nervously.
"Yeah, he's fine. I didn't know what to give him for last nights dinner, so I gave him some of the salmon my dad caught on a fishing trip. He had that for breakfast too." She chuckled, "he loved that."

I laughed, "yeah, he does love his fish."
Mr. Taurus walked back in, along with a clutch of students. The bell rang shortly after, and Natsu ran in, just barely making it. He plopped down in the seat next to me and handed me a cup. "I got you some vanilla coffee. I remembered seeing it on your counter at your house, and figured you would like some."

I smiled and took the cup, "thank you." I took a sip. 'Wow..he even added the cream and sugar just the way I like it..'
Mr. Taurus started the class, and captured all of our attention. "Alright. I know this was supposed to be done in 3rd or 4th grade, but I heard that none of you had done this fun experiment." He said, picking up a grocery bag. He removed the bag, and left a carton of eggs in front of him. "So, I will be assessing partners for this experiment. Each of you will be a parent. Mom and dad, dad and dad, mom and mom; doesn't make a difference, but you can choose one. Once I give you your partners name, you two will get together and take an egg with my signature on it, and design your child."

     Sting raised his hand. "Yes Sting?" The teacher asked.
"I have two questions. One, why are we doing this. Two, why do we need your signature?"

  Mr. Taurus rolled his eye. "Because it's fun, and so I can tell if you try to replace your egg. Now, I will write the names on the board. When you see you and your partners name, please move over to your partner."
He picked up his Expo marker and started writing names on the board. I nearly squealed when I saw Levy's name being written next to Gajeel's. The rest of the list was filled out, and then my name was written next to Natsu's. I heard a sigh of what seemed to be relief that Natsu had made, and I giggled. I stood and walked next to his desk.

"Alright. Now both of you come up and take your egg. Then u can decorate it however you would like. As long as it's school appropriate that is." Mr. Taurus laughed and opened the carton of eggs. Everyone went up to him and got an egg, and then went back to there desks. Mr. Taurus then handed out a bunch of colored sharpies, googly eyes, glue, and cotton balls.

    I took a brown and pink sharpie and handed the pink to Natsu, along with the cotton ball. "Can you color this for me please?" I asked. He chuckled and took the stuff from me, immediately coloring the cotton ball. I drew a face on the egg with some brown eyes like me, and when Natsu handed back the cotton ball, I used glue to keep it on top.

"Hmm...what should it's name be?" I mumble softly, holding the egg in both palms. Natsu picks up the egg from me and studies it. " bout Nashi? Our combined names" He suggested.
"Alright. Nashi it is then." I smile down at the egg, that is until that b**** walks up to me and puts her hands on the desk.

"Hey Blondie, why're you loving that egg? It's not as good as ours is." She laughed, gesturing to the egg that her and her partner had made.
"So what if it's better or not? It doesn't matter what egg is superior or good looking, but how much love and work you put into keeping it safe." I sat back in my chair and smiled as she grumbled and stomped away.

"Wow Luce, thanks for standing up for Nashi!" Natsu put an arm around me, still holding Nashi with the other.
"Haha, of course. I love whatever I create, even if it's just a little egg with a face on it." I smile delicately at the egg that laid in Natsu's hand, feeling Natsu's gaze on me.

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