Ach, a tree!

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POV: Lucy

1 day later(skipping a day)

   The sky lift went higher and higher as I clung onto the seat.
"Don't worry Luce, we're okay." Natsu reassured. I nod, but continue to feel the tight feeling in my chest.

    We finally got to the top of the mountain, and after a few lifts went by, we finally got all our friends. We split ways though shortly after to go to the slopes that we knew we wouldn't die on; since we each had our own levels of experience.
Gajeel, Cana, Erza, and Laxus went to the big slopes. Levy, Jellal, Mira, and Gray all went to the medium slopes. And lastly; Me and Natsu went to the small hills...

   Natsu would've went to the medium slopes, but because he didn't want to leave me, he went to the small slopes.

" could've went with the others..." I sigh, treading through the snow with Natsu following me.
"Naw, I can do those slopes later. I'll help you learn!" He grinned.

     As we got to the small slopes, there was a handful of people listening to rules of the slopes and safety. People were going down and practicing on how to ski, and some fell down. I did pretty well, and only fell down twice, so I decided that we could go to the medium slopes. When we got there, we saw Levy going down the slope.

Time skip

"No no nononono!!!" I was skiing. Down a hill. Towards a tree- damn ski's, move to the right!

I turned last minute and was clear of trees. 'Oh, thank goodness' I sigh in relief as I go down the snow.

Another time skip

"And I am officially done skiing." I laugh, plopping down onto my bed back at the hotel.
"Same...that was so tiring- gah! I've got a blister!" Levy lifted up her food and showed a bright red puffy mark on her heel. "Damn..this happens to me when I skate too..." She sighed.

"Here, I'll go get you a cold washcloth." I say, standing up and walking to the bathroom. I fetch the cloth and run it under some water, before going back to the beds.
"Here." I give her the washcloth and the presses it against her leg.
"Ahh...that feels nice.." She smiles.

We left the room and asked a worker for a bandaid, putting it on her foot so that the blister didn't get irritated. When we got back to our room, everyone was inside.

"So, I'm guessing that our room is the designated meet up?" I laugh, walking into the commotion.
"Ya got that right!" Mira laughed.

"Hey, I was thinking that after dinner, we could go in the springs!" Cana said, taking a chug of some beer.
"Yes, that would be very pleasing!" Erza said excitedly.

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