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POV: Levy

I put down my phone after texting Lucy, and heard the doorbell. "Coming!" I shout, moving my book before standing up. I krept down the stairs and went to the door. When I opened it, I saw....


"Hey shrimp. Im bored, and Mira had given me your address, so I decided to stop by. T-that is if you wouldn't mind me stopping bye..I would've called, but my phone died and I couldn't find the charger.." He rubbed his neck, and looked nervous. "Uh, never mind, I'll just go..." He said quickly. Before he walked very far, I grabbed him by the arm.

"W-wait...uh..y-you can come in.." I said nervously.

   He followed me into the house, and Happy stared down at us from the 2nd floor.
"Heh, isn't that Lucy's cat?" Gajeel asked, pointing up to him.
"Yeah but I'm cat sitting. So.. Uh, what do you want to do?" I asked, feeling my voice slip at 'what'.

"I'm not sure..I didn't think this far ahead.." He chuckled.

"Well, we could watch tv, play a board game, go swimming, play pool.." I tried to think of everything we could do. "Maybe read a book?" I added.
He nodded his head for each of them and looked around my house.
"Well, I know you like to read books, so do you just want to read?" He asked.

   I jumped in excitement and grabbed his hand, pulling up the stairs and almost running over Happy. We got to my room and I slammed the door behind me. "What genre do you like?? Action, adventure, mystery, horror...romance..."

   "I'm not sure... Maybe horror?" His words cut off as he looked around my room. "Wow..."

   My room had five bookshelves in it, each filled to the top with books. On each shelf, there was two layers of books.
"Oh, yeah..I do love my books.." I chuckle and walk over to the horror section of one of the shelves.
"Hm..how about this one?" I ask, picking up a novel about zombies.

He took the book and looked it over, then gave a thumbs up.

Time skip: one hour

   We were sitting on my bed, both heavily involved in our books. At one point, Gajeel tensed and sat up, whispering 'no' to himself before going back down and proceeding to read. At some point the door bell rang. Then it rang again. I groaned and stood up, saying "I'll be back" as I left.

  I got down the stairs and looked out the window. It was getting dark out, and the streetlights were already on. 'Who could be coming here at this hour?'
I walked up to the door and opened it, seeing a girl in her late 20's.
"Uh..can I help you?" I ask her.

She looks up from the ground and gives me an unsettling smile.
"You must be.. Levy McGarden, right?" She asked. I slowly nodded my head, not sure to who this was.
"Yeah, what can I help you with?" I felt like something was a bit strange.

"Well, you were best friends with Lucy Heartfilia?" She asked.
  'Why is she asking about Lucy?'
"We are still friends..look, I don't know who you are, but you're freaking me out."

"Do you know where Natsu Dragneel is?" She put her hand on the door and pushed it open, making me back off in fear. "N-Natsu? I have no idea where he lives...b-but if you need to know so bad, how about you go look in a phone book?"
   I was getting ready to close the door but she pushed it back open.
"Don't you think I've tried that? But if I have a hostage, then Natsu would have no choice but to surrender." She smiled again, making a smile that you'd see in a horror movie.

"H-hostage?" I kept a tight grip on the door and tried to push it more, hoping that she would loose her balance or move out of the way for me to do so, but she just pushed equally as hard against the door. She over powered my strength and made me stumble backwards.
The next thing I know, I'm being punched in the face, slowly falling into darkness.

POV: Gajeel

It's been 15 minutes since Levy had left the room. I was assuming that she went into the bathroom, after checking on the doorbell, and would be walking back in any minute now. But, she wasn't coming back in. I put my book down and stood up, walking carefully down the stairs. I got to the bottom and saw, nothing. I walked around the house, out in the yard, checked Levy's car; only to find no Levy.

"Levy!" I called out. "LEVY!" I said even louder.  No response.

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