Houses for sale

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POV: Lucy

Dinner was great, like usual. But it was a little bit awkward. Nobody really talked, especially Natsu. I excused myself when I was done, and I am currently sitting in front of my rooms computer.

Houses for sale in Magnolia
(Currency=USA $$ [cause I'm lazy])

Lovely two story house with basement; three bedrooms, including a master bathroom and walk in closet, a second story full bathroom, and a first story half bathroom. Bedrooms are spacious, and the basement is finished. 'Blah blah blah'

•This house resides beside a lake with a wonderful view of the wildlife and sunset. It has four bedrooms, four bathrooms, an open concept first floor, and a two car garage. 'Blah blah blah'

•two story house with a park close by. It has three bedrooms, two bathrooms, a spacious garage, a small but finished basement, and an open concept first floor.

'Hm...this last one sounds nice..'
I click on the pictures and scroll through them. I loved everything about it. It has an open house tomorrow from 14:00-16:30. 'Maybe I'll go look..'
I copy the address down on my phone and turn off the computer. 'It wouldn't hurt to go to bed now, would it?'
I stand up and go over to my bed, plopping down on it and placing my phone on the side table. Within moments, I pass out.

Time skip

  I wake up at knocking on my door. I rub my eyes and sit up, just as the door slightly creeks open.
"Hey Luce, can I come in?" Natsu's voice asked.
"Yeah" I yawned, seeing on my phone that it was 5 hours before school.

    The door opened more, and I could barely see him. His shadow was the only thing I saw as he walked over towards the bed.
"Sorry to wake you up..its just..." He sighs, "I had a bad dream..that something happened to you..I just wanted to make sure you're okay.."

   I softly say "I'm good", still half asleep. Without even thinking, I sit up and grab his arm, pulling him onto the bed.
"W-what are you doing?.." He asked hesitantly.
"Well, you had a bad dream. Just sleep in here." I yawned again, moving over on the bed so he could lay down. He took the invitation and pulled the covers on himself. I fell back asleep.

Time skip: morning

I sat up, hearing the alarm going off on my phone. Natsu sat up too. We both yawned and got up.
"Thanks for letting me sleep with you.." Natsu smiled.
I nod and grab my phone. "S-sure.." I stutter.

'Wow... I barely even remember letting him sleep in here..' I gulp nervously and look down at the bag of clothes I have. I had about one more outfit in there.
"I-I'm going to get dressed now...if you know-"

"Oh! Of course, sorry! I-I'll see you at breakfast." He said quickly, dashing to the door and leaving.

I through on the outfit; some blue shorts, and a yellow top with glasses on it. I grabbed my phone, and picked up Nashi from the pillow I had stuffed in the bottom drawer of the dresser. I raced down stairs, just in time for waffles to be placed down at my seat.

"Thanks!" I say, placing Nashi down on the table and scarfing down the waffles.
"Good morning Lucy, you seem to be in a good mood today!" Mel said, placing her coffee mug on the table.
"Yeah, I guess I am." I swallowed the mouthful of of waffles and smile, " I'm going to an open house after school today! If I like it, then I might be living there soon!" I say happily.

"But what about NaLu..." Mel asked softly.
"What? I didn't hear you." I said, looking at her curiously, "what did you say?"
"I-I said, 'yay! Congratulations!'" She said nervously.
"Oh, thanks!" I smile and take another bite from the waffles.
Natsu and Sting came into the room, sitting down at their spots.

"So Natsu, did you hear about Lucy finding a house?" Mel asked. I looked over at Natsu to see his face in shock.
"What?" He asked.
"Oh, I found a house that I might move to! It's close by too! It's by the park we walked Happy to!" I smiled, " I'm going to the open house after school!"

He smiled "cool! We'll definitely have to throw you a 'welcome home' party then!"
I nod, and eat some more. After a little bit, we all head off to school.

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