The Introduction!

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  A/N: I re-did the introduction, only bc it sucked.

Hello! So... this is my first story. I have written fanfictions before, just not on Wattpad. Y'all don't have to worry, this story isn't that bad.

The description:

  When Mackenzie was little, her, Lauren and Johnny were really close. One day, Lauren and Kenz got into a huge argument and have been ignoring each other ever since. They're now in high school, and life couldn't be worse for Kenzie. Her crush, Johnny, ignores her (Laurens brother). She only got 1 friend, Annie, they are really close.

  What happens when Mackenzie makes a master plan to get her old life back? She faces various challenges throwing her off balance. Will she get a happy ending or land back where she was at the beginning?


Mackenzie Ziegler - 15 years old.

{ Main }

Johnny Orlando - 16 years old.

{ Main }

Annie Leblanc - 15 years old.

{ Mackenzie's best friend }

Lauren Orlando - 15 years old.

{ Johnny's sister }

Maddie Ziegler - 17 years old.

{ Mackenzie's older sister }

Hayden Summerall - 15 years old.

{ Johnny's best friend }

Things you should know (please read):

-I post every other day. If there's a change of plans, I'll let you know beforehand. If the chapters are short, I'll upload every day, but that doesn't happen all the time.

-It's just fanfiction. Just because I've portrayed a character as mean (I can't say who cause that would be spoiling) doesn't mean I hate them.

-The chapters are 1000-2000 words long.  Maybe less, maybe more. It depends on what happens in the chapter. I don't want them to be short, like the chapters in 'Divorced' are. 

-There aren't any mature scenes in this story. Kissing. That's it. No swearing either, I don't want anyone to get triggered.

-I put quotes in every chapter. So basically, each quote relates to what happens in the chapter. This will start in the fourth or fifth chapter, I don't remember lol.

-IF YOU COPY ME, I WILL HUNT YOU DOWN AND REPORT YOU. Don't mess with me. If you want to use my terrible idea's, pm me and we'll discuss it. I don't bite, so don't be scared to message me.

- There will be pictures of Kenzie's outfits, just not often.

- This was my first story. The first few chapters of this story suck. But it gets better, I promise!


-419 Words.

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