The End/Thank you.

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A/N: So... that's the end of the story.

I don't want to get all emotional, but I have to.

Thank you for joining me on this long journey of 'Because of Lauren.'

The story was really dysfunctional and confusing, whoops.

I never expected to make it this far, or even stay on Wattpad for this long.

All of your sweet comments really make my day, so thank you for everything. You guys are honestly the sweetest, and I don't know what I'd do without the Jenzie fandom.

Ur comments really make me laugh. I don't reply to all of them, if I don't have anything to say, but I read and appreciate all of them!

I seriously only wake up in the morning for Wattpad.

I've accomplished a lot with this book. My literacy grades are probably going to be much better now. 

Ngl, the first few chapters sucked. But my writing got better throughout the story. I've grown as a writer. 

I'm sorry you had to witness the first few chapters, they were so cringy and disgusting. Well, if you're here now, then that means you've completed the book.

It was pretty long, around 50 chapters.

There won't be a sequel. The story is already long enough, and I want to write other stories. I have so much idea's, I DON'T WANT TO EXPLODE.

I've become more confident in my writing. 

Wattpad has really helped me. And to finish my first story is amazing. 

I'm going to continue making fanfictions, because I have nothing better to do lmao.

We made it to 1k votes! WAAAAAAAAT THAT'S AMAZING! Not to mention, almost 20k reads. I reached 100 followers while writing this book too.

I feel like I don't say this enough, but I really appreciate each and every one of you. Even those silent readers that don't vote, or comment often. THANK YOU!

Once 'It's been a year' is finished, I'll publish my new book. Or a little later, idrk. I want to pre-write a few chapters.

It's not the one I've been telling you about for like a month, I'm getting some writers block for that but I'm hoping it'll just go away and I can start writing it again.

It's probably going to be cringy, just like all my other books, but I try!

I'm crying rn omg help me. 

I don't have any friends outside of Wattpad, so this fandom is basically my life.

I think I started writing this book in June, and August is almost over now!

Anyway, thank you for reading 'Because of Lauren.'

I've been annoying this whole time, sorry.

For the thousand time, thank you.



Because of Lauren ✔ JenzieWhere stories live. Discover now