22. "Again with the sorrys."

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A/N: This is also a continuation from the last chapter. These early updates are going to be a regular thing from now and on, mostly because I already have the next few chapters written, so I don't have to worry about getting the chapters out on time.

Things after this chapter will get pretty dark, just saying.

Jenzie filled chapter, enjoy.


( Previously:

"Come on, let's go" Lauren was still chuckling, but began walking downstairs.

I grab my phone and walk out of the room.

That is, until Johnny stops me. )

*End of flashback*

He grabs my arm with his hand. "Let me go!" I screamed.

He held onto my wrist so tight, it began burning. I attempted to pull out of his grip, but he was too strong.

"Calm down," he shushes me, pointing for me to sit on one of the spinny chairs.

He let's go of my arm. I look down at it, to see it was completely red.

I do as told, scared of what he was going to tell me. Or do to me.

He also sits on one of the spinny chairs, beside me. "Sorry about your arm." He scratches his neck, slouching into the chair.

He was always saying sorry, even though he never means it. If he really meant it, he wouldn't make the same mistakes over and over again. I shrug, "it's okay. The redness will go away soon."

He gets out of his seat, leaving the room. He left his phone on the spinny chair. Why did he leave? He was the one that told me to come back into the room, and he decides to leave?

His phone kept dinging every few seconds, indicating that there's a notification. I looked around the room, seeing there was no one. Of course, there was no one! They were all downstairs. God, what's wrong with me? I look over onto the hallway, it's empty too.

It doesn't look like Johnny is coming back anytime soon. I bend over, to his chair, grabbing his phone.

I opened the lock screen, to see all of the notifications had been from Bradon. Bradon, as in my ex. Why would he be texting Johnny? I know that aren't really friends anymore. Brandon was texting Johnny on Snapchat, so I couldn't read the messages on the lock screen.

I sigh, curious as to why Brandon was texting Johnny.

I put Johnny's phone back on the chair, getting comfortable on my seat.

A few minutes later, Johnny comes in with an ice pack. "Sorry I took so long. Here's an ice pack for the red spots on your arm," he says as he hands me a classic blue ice pack.

I put it on my arm, as he sits back in his chair. "So... what did you want to talk to me about?" I half smile.

I was hungry, the last thing I swallowed was popcorn and that was a while ago. I was just waiting for him to finish, so I can go down and eat dinner.

"What?" he asks, shoving his phone into his pocket.

I scoff, had he really forgotten? "You stopped me to tell me something, what is it?"

An imaginary lightbulb appears, on the top of his head. "Oh, yeah! I forgot about that," he laughs.

I roll my eyes, he's so dumb. "Can you hurry up?"

He brings his left foot to his knee, turning around to face me. "I just wanted to say that I'm sorry."

"For what?" I ask, playing dumb.

Because of Lauren ✔ JenzieWhere stories live. Discover now