40. "I don't really know."

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She gave me a nice spam👏

 Here's a chapter explaining why Johnny did what he did.

(Read the A/N at the bottom).

( Previously:

Johnny got mad at her blah blah blah

Lmao, I don't feel like writing it. )

*End of flashback*


It's been a whole freaking month.

I haven't talked to her for a whole month.

After the first week, I stopped sleeping.

I couldn't sleep without knowing she's not mad at me anymore.

I suspected Kenzie might ask Lauren about me. So I paid Lauren $50 dollars to not tell her about my Insomnia. She gladly took it, getting herself a nice manicure. You could really bribe Lauren with anything. Girls.

I've left her alone, because that's what she wants. I don't want anymore violent outburst from her.

We look at each other a lot though. Kenzie's looks are glares, and mine are just... looks.

She's mad at me. I know I messed up, but I'm not going to admit it. I'm stubborn. 

I know I was mostly in the wrong, but she shouldn't get mad over every little thing.

I have no one to look for advice to. My parents are out of the picture, obviously. Lauren would just tell me to talk to her, but I'm too much of a man to do that. Hayden would tell Annie everything, and then Annie would tell Mackenzie everything I told Hayden.

Carson and Mark are similar to me, they're players. Their advice won't help me much.

I have to rely on myself.

She's mad at me very often. But this time is different. She usually forgives me the day after, but it's been a month! This could be permanent.

Hayden and I were leaning against the lockers, staring at our phones. I was stalking Kenzie's spam account on Instagram. She looks good in every single picture. The hall was more crowded than usual.

All of a sudden, Hayden nudges my arm. I look up at him, questioning a "what?"

He motions to the left, that's when I see Kenzie.

She was behind a group of girls. Once she realized we were both staring at each other, she looked away. 

I turned back to Hayden. "I know you guys aren't really on speaking terms at the moment," Hayden quietly mutters. "Just go talk to her."

I groan, rolling my eyes. I think I should talk to her. Maybe I'll finally get some sleep once I do.

I started towards her, holding my breath. She looked taken back for a second, but regained a neutral position.

I smiled at her. She did nothing. The awkward tension was killing me. I ran my hands through my hair, clearing my throat right after. It was still just as awkward.

I stared at my shoes, hearing her speak "yes?"

I look back at her. Like usual, she was glaring at me.

I walk over to her, trying to start a conversation, and all she could do was glare. 

I clenched my jaw, trying not to get angry. I balled my hands into fists. No, I wasn't going to hurt her- physically.

"You know what, Kenzie." I chocked out through gritted teeth. 

The glare I was giving her was surreal, causing hers to drop. I didn't want to get angry at her, but she's left me no other choice.

I'm sick of all of this nonsense. You either talk to me, or you don't. Her mixed emotions are killing me.

"I don't care if you're not talking to me," my voice was raised, grabbing the attention of everyone in the hallway. "Because I don't care about you!"

I wasn't going to admit I loved her. At least not now.

She jumped back, leaving her mouth wide open. She looked so cute.

Stop it Johnny, this isn't the time to fangirl over her gorgeous appearance.

I continued rambling. "I can't handle you or your mood swings anymore. You either talk to me, or you don't. There's no other option."

The whole hallways attention was now on us 2. I wasn't going to ruin my reputation over some stupid hallway fight. I'm going to need to push further.

I bit my tongue, getting ready for what I'm about to say. This was going to hurt me more than it's going to hurt her.

"You know, I was actually enjoying leading you on for a while. But it got boring. So I'd rather you just not talk to me. At all," I lied.

She stood there gawking at me for a while. Next thing I know, she's running.

She was now out of the hallway. Everyone in the hallway had their mouths wide open, looking at me like I just killed someone. I sent them all warning looks. They went back to doing what they were doing, their gazes leaving me. 

I roll my eyes. Highschoolers are stupid. I walk back to Hayden.

"What the heck was that, Johnny?" Hayden gapes.

I sigh. "I don't really know."

Hayden only nods. "I won't push."

I grin, silently thanking him.

The bell rings. Hayden and I walk to our next class.

While doing so, I kept thinking.

What the hell did I just do?

Whatever. I'm not going to chase after her anymore. She can come to me when she's ready, and I'll just wait.

I'm not necessarily mad at her. But she's being petty. Come to me, or don't. I don't care anymore.

A/N: So... I uploaded a new story. I wasn't planning on writing it rn, but I started writing and thought I should publish it. It's a texting story, and I'm not too good with those.

I'm just used to putting in detail, but I tried😅

I'm currently writing 4 stories at once (one isn't published yet). 

I would put one on hold, but that's not fair to the readers. So I guess I'm going to have to get used to this busy sceduale for now.


I'm going to upload a bonus chapter today. You don't have to read, bc it's not that important. It's really short as well so whatever.

I also want to upload a chapter tomorrow. I have so many drafts, I might as well publish some.

-1045 Words.

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