39. "But it got boring."

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They gave me a nice spam. And probably got me around 100 comments. Thank you!❤️


10K views! I don't even know what to say, thank you so much!

( Previously:

Lauren looked a little confused for a second. "I thought things were going well between you and Johnny."

I shrugged, like I could care less. "He's being difficult."

Lauren nodded her head in understanding. )

*End of flashback*


(A month later...

Tuesday, at the school cafeteria).

It's been exactly a month.

A month since Johnny and I spoke.

After our 'talk' in Mr. Zarback's class, we never spoke again.

I expected him to try a little harder. He didn't flirt with me, talk with me, or even smile at me. Like I said, he never spoke to me again. 

He's hasn't been talking to any other girls, so that's good.

We look at each other a lot though. Although they're usually just glaring. 

Once we realize that we're both staring at each other, we look away.

The whole point of this plan was to fall out of love with him.

And let me just say, it hasn't worked.

I still want him. I need him. I still love him the same amount I loved him a month ago.

It's been killing me trying not to interact with him. But I'm better off without him. If I didn't have my pride, I'd go running back to him in a millie-second.

I'm supposed to be mad at him. But it's so hard to when I look at his adorable face...

I've been depressed this whole month. Annie and Dylan have noticed my behavior, and have attempted to talk me into forgiving Johnny. But that didn't work.

I had to remind myself constantly that Johnny never even liked me. He just thought of me as an old friend, that he could toy with. He never even told me about Brandon's texts. He wanted me to trust him, but he made various shady mistakes behind me back.

How come I had to fall in love with a guy that'll never love me back?

Even with Loren. He ripped her phone number in front of me, then went to her the next day and asked her out. How am I supposed to trust him?

Dissing Brandon was the last straw. He said I'm 'better off without him'. Then why did you visit him, if you never even liked him?

Even though I'd never admit it to Annie, the only thing that's kept me alive this past month is the times he looks at me.

I need him. I guess love never fades.

I've asked Lauren about Johnny. She said that he begged her not to tell me anything. 

"Kenzie!" Annie yelled, moving her hands around my face to try and get my attention.

I was in the cafeteria, with Annie and Dylan right beside me. I must have been daydreaming.

Because of Lauren ✔ JenzieWhere stories live. Discover now