44. "Jenzie."

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A/N: I'm uploading tonight bc I love waking up to 100 notifications. I'm taking out the 'previously' thing, bc I don't think anyone even reads it lmao.



(Continuation from the last chapter). 

Maddie and I finally arrived at school.

My class started in 5 minutes, but I couldn't care less. I needed to see Johnny. Now. 

Being the bad boy he is, I'm sure he'll skip class and go hang out in the school somewhere.

I speed-walked to his locker, hoping to find him there. He wasn't there.

I sighed, thinking somewhere else he could be. Maybe Hayden's locker?

I strolled all the way over to Hayden's locker, which was on the second floor. Johnny and Hayden both weren't there. Well, I just walked for 5 minutes for absolutely nothing.

Most classes are now in session, including mine. If I get caught by a teacher in the halls, I'm toast. But I guess I just have to be careful.

I walked all the way back to the first floor, trying several other places. I tried the janitors closet, the boy's bathroom- yes, I did go in there. It's not like it's the first time it's happened.

I sighed, giving up. I was currently seated on the school's bench, outside of the building. I was staring at the school building. Wow. It's ugly.

Where else could he be? Maybe he's actually is in class? Nah!

An idea popped in my head.

Maybe he's in the junkyard?

You know, the place Hayden beat up Johnny. Johnny was all better now, and they both managed to forgive each other for that... incident.

Eh, It's worth a shot. I don't have any better idea's.

I wandered my feet to the back of the school where the junkyard is held.

There were several trash cans, and dusty looking boxes.

I walked behind a huge garbage can, to find Hayden and Johnny standing there.

They were chatting, seated on two stools.

Johnny's back was facing me, so I didn't have a clear view of his face. Nor did he notice I was here. Hayden could see me though.

Once Hayden noticed me standing there, just staring at them, he stopped his talking. His jaw was dropped, just blankly staring at me. 

Johnny stops his talking, resuming the topic to discuss why Hayden's jaw was dropped. "What is it?" Johnny asks.

Hayden's eyes never left mine. "Y-You might want to turn around."

Johnny very slowly turned around, while I was biting my tongue out of anxiety.

What if he doesn't love me anymore?

What if he's dating some other girl and I just don't know about it?

What if he lied to Maddie and Loren about loving me?

Whatever. There's no turning back now!

Once his emerald green eyes landed on me, he was frozen. 

This is the first time I've seen him since our little hallway fight. Not to mention, I was wearing the Nike hoodie

I snapped out of my little daze, remembering what I have to do.

Because of Lauren ✔ JenzieWhere stories live. Discover now