8. "Whatever."

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A/N: I'm sorry I didn't post yesterday, I was binge-reading a fanfiction and was too lazy to write. This chapter was not intended to be made. I already finished the next chapter, when I decided to put an extra chapter in between.

It's the weekend! I have a day left of school on Monday and then the rest is optional! Summer here I come! Can't wait.

I like the daily quote thing, so I'm going to do it. Anywho, enjoy this chapter!


(Tuesday Afternoon).

After that crazy day at school, I had to talk to Johnny.

I had to know if he had any feelings for Mackenzie

Johnny and I were friends now I guess, considering he was helping he ask out Hayden on Friday.

He told me that Hayden liked me! It made want to fly. I was smiling for the whole week and Kenzie seemed to notice that.

I really wanted Mackenzie to be with Johnny too. So I talked to Maddie, and we both agreed on a plan to make her and Johnny together.

I convinced her to ask him out, it didn't go as planned though. I sent him a few glares, but he knew I wouldn't ignore him. Because if Johnny and I weren't on speaking terms, I wouldn't be able to ask Hayden out.

I was so glad to hear that Johnny and Mackenzie were friends again.

Mackenzie finally built up the courage to talk to him.

I've been trying to convince her for years!

Anyways, I wanted--no, I needed to know if Johnny had any feeling whatsoever towards Mackenzie. I promised myself I would leave it alone. But I let my curiosity get the best of me.

I texted Johnny a quick:

 { Annie: Meet me at the park? }

I waited about an hour and a half I finally received a response.

{ Johnny: Sure. When? 

Annie: Is now okay?

Johnny: Yeah, see you there! }

I looked down at my outfit, to see an old pair of pajamas. I frown at my appearance and change it quickly.

 I frown at my appearance and change it quickly

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After changing my outfit, I head over to the park.

After doing so, I see Johnny.

I slowly walk up to him, thinking of what I was going to say. I didn't want to say anything Mackenzie wouldn't want me to say.

"Hey!" I shout out. I'm certain he heard me.

He turned his head to face me, "Hi! How's it going?"

"Good. I actually called you over here to talk about Mackenzie."

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