17. "Uh... double date?"

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A/N: Early update! Not as early as the last chapter, but still early! I barfed again, last night. So, I feel like crap but I still managed to write this chapter. 

I promised you guys a chapter filled with Hannie a while ago, so here it is! I know this is a Jenzie fanfiction. But Kenzie is in the end of this chapter, and I think you can get what's goin to happen, by the title... So I guess that counts for something, right? :)

The beginning of this chapter is boring, so please be patient ;)


I was standing next to Mackenzie's locker, wonder where the hell she was. I needed to talk to her about the fight that happened at the Junkyard.

Hayden was flat out beating up Johnny. I couldn't get the sight out of my head. After Kenzie left to talk care of Johnny, I hugged Hayden for--what seemed like--forever.

I don't know whether I'm mad at him, or not, right now.

I take out my phone from my back pocket and dial Kenzie's number.

"Hey, Annie. What's up?" Kenzie yawns, on the other side of the phone.

"YOU BETTER COME TO SCHOOL RIGHT NOW, BEFORE I BITE YOUR EAR OFF!" I growl. I heard a loud thump afterward and tried my hardest not to make a laughing sound.

Out of nowhere, someone taps the back of my shoulder. Kenzie than replies, on the phone. "Okay, calm down. I'll get dressed and go to school" 

I turned my head, to see Hayden. Hayden just tapped me on the shoulder. AAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!

 "Good. I goto go now, I'll see you later!" I quickly tap the 'End' button and try my hardest to sound cool. Which I wasn't capable of being.

I was now smiling at Hayden, trying to not be awkward. "Hey, can we talk?" Hayden asked, sending chills down my body. 

What does he want to talk about? Does he actually like me? Am I supposed to be the messenger between Johnny and Hayden?

I reply with a nod and he awkwardly leads me to the bottom of the stairs. "I just wanted to say, that I'm sorry." Hayden grabs my hand. I hesitated for a second, but went with it.

"Sorry? Just like how Johnny says 'sorry' to Kenzie. But never means it. How can I trust you?" I explain. I was overreacting. But I love playing hard to get.

The bell rings. The hall was now crowded with students striving to get to their next class. But we just stayed there. Talking. We were both seated on the stairs.

Hayden clenches on my hand tighter, "Listen, Annie. I'm not like Johnny. I can stay committed to a girl. And--" he takes a deep breath and continues. "I want that girl to be you."

My eyes were wide, I was staring at him with shock. I probably looked like I was having a heart attack. "W-What?" What's wrong with me! The guy I like just asked me out--I think-- and I just reply with a 'what'?!

"Ms. Leblanc and Mr.Summerall! Why aren't you two at your next class!" the teacher interrupts, leaving Hayden at a not-so-happy state.

Mr. Zarback crosses his arms, and shifted his body to give both of us an 'I know what you're doing face'.

Hayden chuckles at the teacher's comment and looks away. "Because we can." Wow. He's a lot like Johnny.

I send him a glare, ordering him to shut the hell up! "If that's how you feel. Then both of you, to the principal's office. Now," the teacher instructs.

The teacher leaves, probably finding some other students to yell at.

After rolling my eyes, I grab his arm and pull him off of the stairs. "Come on. Let's go."

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