25. "I know you're hurt right now."

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A/N: Time skip, watch out.


5 days later.

It's been 5 days since I found out Brandon was missing. 5 days of me being cooped up in my room.

I haven't eaten in 5 days either. I knew that if I didn't drink water, I'd die. So I gulped down all of the liquid left in one of the plastic water bottles I had, on the third day.

I haven't bothered to check my phone, I really didn't care about all of the texts I'm getting from people.

Maddie eventually stopped calling me down for food, she knew I wouldn't answer. I've been stuck on my bed for 5 days, which probably isn't very healthy. But I don't care.

My mom has been cooped up at work all week, so she hasn't even noticed that I haven't left my room. I've skipped the last 2 days of school. After walking out of the cafeteria, I went home. The day after was the weekend, so I just stayed in my room. I haven't bothered to go to the last 2 days of school, I just simply don't see a reason to.

I'm still in my hoodie and ripped jeans. There's no point in changing. These clothes aren't uncomfortable for me, and there's no one to impress considering I'm the only living being in my room.

I heard a bell ring, I'm assuming that's the doorbell.

Annie, Lauren, and Dylan have been visiting me from time to time, trying to make me feel better. But there's no point in doing that when I won't even open the door. Johnny hasn't bothered to visit, which only makes me even sadder.

Lauren has visited. But he hasn't. Was he mad at me? When I need him the most, he doesn't show up. 

I need to stop thinking about Johnny. Brandon could be dead for all I know, and I'm worried about how Johnny's feeling. Pathetic.

I'm pathetic.

A few minutes later, a set of footsteps are coming up the stairs.

They began knocking on the door, shouting "Kenzie! Open up!"

It was Annie.

Once again, I didn't reply.

Annie sighed, completely not surprised at my silence. "Come on, Kenzie. I know you're hurt right now. But you promised me you'd come on the double date."

The double date. I forgot all about it! It was Tuesday, that means it's today!

Was Annie really expecting me to attend? I've been stuck in this room for 5 days, I doubt she'll be able to convince me to go anywhere. Especially not a double date.

"I know the person you wanted here was Johnny. And he hasn't been man enough to come. But, you'll see him on the double date. Just come?" Annie spoke, on the other side of the door.

I breathed out an "okay."

And yes, I did think it through.

I had to see Johnny. Mainly because he received several messages from Brandon the day before he went missing. I planned to ask him about it and get some information. Just for my own curiosity. But also because seeing him will make me less depressed.

Just like Brandon once had, seeing Johnny's smile always made me feel better.

I could practically see the smile on Annie's face, even though she was on the other side of the door. "I'll leave the outfit here for you. I'll pick you up at 6."

Footstep were heard going down the stairs, they were fading and fading away. Until finally, they were no longer heard. I heard the door open, then close. Well, Annie's gone.

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