43. "How could I not support it?"

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A/N: People liked that cover better, so I'm using it from now on. I don't want to change the covers so much anymore, so I'll stick with these from now on (probably idek anymore😂).

( Previously:

I smile at her, as she smiles back. "Thank you so much, Loren."

"No problem. I'll see you around," Loren grins.

We both wave a goodbye and begin walking opposite ways.

Maybe Loren isn't that bad after all. )

*End of flashback*


(Morning, at the Ziegler house).

Maddie woke me up early today. She wanted to resume the conversation we didn't get to finish yesterday.

I was actually looking forward to it.

Annie and Dylan heard about the fight. They tried to get me to talk about it, and even forgive him.

I'm not going to forgive him that easily.

He can't just say something like that. I get that he's mad, but it was just cruel.

Hayden even apologized for Johnny, saying Johnny was just pissed. I shook it off, thanking him. I told him he didn't have to apologize, because he did nothing wrong. It's Johnny's fault, and partly mine. 

Johnny was right, I shouldn't have been ignoring him.

Now I'm honestly just too scared to talk to him.

I don't want him to snap again and make me feel even worse than I already do. That's why I'm still ignoring him.

He didn't come to school yesterday, a classic bad boy.

Maddie slept over at Jack's last night. She claims they slept in separate rooms, but like I believe that. That's why Maddie and I couldn't have 'the talk' yesterday, so this morning will have to do.

Maddie and I were seated on the couch, both still in our pajama's. We'll just change after we finish our little talk.

"So, tell me what happened," Maddie smirked.

I took a deep breath, ready to confess my feelings. I've acknowledged my feelings multiple times to Annie, but Maddie is a different story.

I don't know if she'll freak out and force me to stay away from him, or just let me be. At this point, I'm fine with both. It's not like Johnny and I are actually talking.

"Did Annie tell you about the hallway fight yet?" I question. I was fiddling with my fingers, as usual. Just thinking about that little fight gives me anxiety.

Maddie creased her eyebrows. "What hallway fight? All I know is that you haven't talked to him for the past month." She muttered her next words, "you're miserable without him."

I glared at her. Annie could say something like that, because she's Annie. Her Jenzie obsessed self can never hold in her excitement. But Maddie is just simply saying that to annoy me- and remind me of how miserable I am.

I sighed. "He admitted that he never had feelings for me. He was just toying with me, and got bored after a while." I looked down at my lap, ashamed.

I actually thought Johnny Orlando had feelings for me. I allowed myself to fall for him again. I'm an idiot.

Maddie was narrowing her eyes, thinking. I snapped her out of her little daze, continuing to talk. "The next day, Loren came up to me."

Maddie immediately flinched, looking up at me like I had a booger up my nose. Wait, did I? I scratched my nose, lightly brushing the inside. Nope, no boogers. We're good.

"Anyway, I'll just sum up the little talk I had with her. She told me that Johnny told her that he loved me." Wow. That sounded very confusing.

Maddie chuckled, an amused expression creeping up her face. "Me too," she smiled.

"What?" I ask, confused.

"He told me he loved you too."

Just like I did with Loren, I blinked a few times.

But this time, I actually believed Maddie. She wouldn't lie to me about something like this. 2 people have now told me that Johnny loves me. This can't just be some sick ploy to make me feel worse about myself. Even if it was, Maddie would never be in it.

Johnny actually loves me, and the feeling is mutual.

The only problem is, we're still fighting. I should make a bold move. One that'll catch his attention for sure.

An idea came to my mind, as I smirked at how much of a lovestruck genius I was.

Maddie waved her hands around my face, making me snap out of my little daze. "W-What? Sorry? What were you saying, Maddie?"

"I said that I could see it in the way he talks about you. He really loves you, Kenz. I'll admit, I don't like him. But you love him, and he loves you. How could I not support it?" Maddie crossed her legs, grinning at me. "Now, go get your man!"

I giggled and ran upstairs, zooming over to my closet.

I was looking for a specific sweater- a Nike sweater. The Nike sweater.

If I wear it, it will for sure capture his attention.

I smiled, scanning my closet as my eyes locked on the sweater I was looking for.

I put on a pair of black jeans, so it matches with the hoodie. I mean, black matches with everything.

Once I was all done changing, Maddie and I got in her car. While she was driving, I kept tapping my foot eagerly.

I've kept my feelings in for a long time.

And it's time to let them out.

I'm done with that stupid flirtationship. I want a relationship.

I wasn't really nervous about doing what I was about to do, because I already knew he loved me back. There was nothing stopping us.

I love everything about him.

I don't care if we're both from different worlds. He's the popular cliche, bad boy. While I'm the girl no one likes. We love each other. And at the end of the day, that's all that matters.

I know we're currently 'fighting'. But I couldn't care less. I forgive him. And he'll forgive me, because if he doesn't- I'll make sure Lauren steals his Doritos. 

I've already thought my plan through. I'm 100% sure it'll work. 

If it doesn't- well, I'll cry.

But I'm going to use my fixed mindset. 

All of the things stopping us from being together don't matter. Why?

Because I want him.

And he wants me.


A/N: This story is coming to an end. There's a couple more chapters + the epilogue. 

-1083 Words.


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