If You Don't Slip And Tumble Someone Will

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We walked back in to the club. Trixie was standing at the side of me. She linked my arm. The entrance doors slammed behind us. The whole room turned to stare. Nobody spoke. 

"What are you all looking at? Drink your beer and be happy!" She shouted. Everyone obeyed and turned the opposite direction to us. This is so awkward. She pulled me slightly towards the bar. Our heels clipped in to the floor as we walked along the hard wooden floorboards. We got to the bar and she pulled out an empty bar stool and pointed towards it.

"Here, you sit here" She commanded. I didn't hesitate and took the chair she offered me . The old farmer gentleman was still sat on the stool where I saw him earlier. Trixie tapped his shoulder.

"Hey John!" She said in a cutesy voice. The gentleman turned around and smiled at Trixie. That gummy smile. Ew.

"Oh der she is ! The blonde beauty! Ya ar so beautiful Trixie! " He said loudly. Trixie smiled.

"Oh John , you shouldn't say things like that. I may have to run away with you!" She said tapping his arm playfully. He cackled loudly.

"I would with ya any day ya know that Trix!" He played back.  

"Can I sit in your seat please John?" She asked sweetly.

"Anythin for ya darlin'" He winked and smiled showing his gums again and gently got up off the chair and made his way across to the other end of the bar. Trixie wiped the seat with her hand and sat down.

"So your well known here?" I uttered. She turned to me.

"Yeah. I grew up around here" She said. With that, she raised her hand and the bartender came shuffling over.

"Hey Trix. Great show! What can I get you? Same as usual?" He asked politely leaning on to the bar. 

"Yes please Mark. Two please. And put one of those little umbrellas in it. You know , the cute little purple ones" She said speaking with her hands. The bartender nodded and stepped back to make the drinks. I didn't know what Trixie had ordered. The bartender placed a drink in front of Trixie and me and walked off. I picked the glass up and took a sip. Shit that is strong!  Trixie took a few gulps and placed the glass back on the bar.

"Look. I just want to say I am so sorry about what happened, I had no control in what these people were saying" She said looking around the room at the people  laughing , drinking and having fun. I smiled slightly.

"It's Ok. I'm over it now" I said half heartily.  I looked down as I intertwined my hands in my lap. Trixie furrowed her brow. She knew I wasn't Ok. But she continued to believe me and smiled. 

"How about this. You can come to my apartment and I'll make you dinner. I can't go home tonight knowing I didn't do enough to show my deepest apology ." She said softly. That would be nice. I looked up at her and stared at her for a moment. Taking in all her gorgeous features. She was so pretty up close. I couldn't picture what she looked like under all that makeup. I bet she was prettier. I inhaled slowly and exhaled quickly.

"Ok. Sure . " I said. Her face lit up as I answered and she clapped her hands together.

"Thank you. I won't let you down. Do you have a mobile? I'll give you my number. If you text me tomorrow morning i'll let you know a time to come round. Bare with me . My house is full of music equipment and dresses" She giggled slightly. Music equipment ? I didn't want to ask. I was to tired and worked up to ask. I handed her my phone from my handbag and slid it across the bar to her. She punched in her number quickly and slid the phone back to me. I looked down at my phone screen . She put her contact name as "Horrible Person". I smirked and rolled my eyes. 

"I best get off" I uttered. 

"Oh ok , yeah sure. I'll see you tomorrow?" She said again. As if to make sure I wouldn't forget.

"You will" I said as I lowered myself from the bar stool. I gave a little wave as I headed to the exit. I watched Trixie as she grinned waving back with the cutest, whitest smile . I turned around and pushed open the bar doors and headed to my car. I jumped in the car, putting my hands on to the steering wheel and just collapsed. I cried so hard. I was overwhelmed with the so much emotion, I couldn't control my tears. I started the car and drove home through teary eyes. When I reached my house. I unlocked the door and ran straight for my bedroom and fell on to the bed . I cried even harder. I didn't want to live here. Why did I choose to live in this stupid place.?I thought the country was supposed to be a happy, friendly place. But its not. Its full of hillbilly's and nasty people who get a kick out of roasting city people. I stopped crying for a moment. But I met someone. Maybe I could befriend them. Besides. She was really pretty. I sat myself up from the heap I was in on the bed. I picked up my phone and looked at my screen again at Trixie's number. Shall I text now? I just want someone to talk to . No, no don't be needy. I rubbed my eyes with my hands and smiled a little. You are a strong person. Brush it off. 

Trixie Mattel /City Lights Ain't Got Nothing On Country LightsWhere stories live. Discover now