Wind And Weather Happens Just To You

612 16 33

** Included Katya In this chapter*

After an hour , Brian had dropped me home and I was now sat alone in my house wearing the dress he had given me, with the  biggest , widest smile on my face. Sitting with my feet up on the sofa , the television was on and I was smiling at myself. Maybe moving to this town wasn't so bad after all. Everything seemed to be clicking in to place. I twirled my hair around my finger as I looked up at  my ceiling. 


Who could that be? I sat up and picked my phone up from the coffee table. Looking at the screen. Trixie's name flashes back at me. Have I left something there? I opened the text message

Message received 12:24pm:-
Honneeyy !🍯 Are you free this evening? I have another show (Because I'm just that type of girl 💃). It's in the new part of town and I am performing with one of my nearest and dearest friends👯. You both will get on so well and I would love for you to come with us! 😁. She will love you I am sure! 🙈❤️ XoXo 

Her friend? She? Was she indicating a girl or a drag queen?  Nevertheless , I would love to meet her friends. It was nice she wanted to introduce me.  I didn't hesitate and messaged back quickly.

Message sent 12:26pm:- Hi Trix !🙈 Would love to come and meet your friend. 😃And you obviously🙈. Name the time and I'll drive down😃   X

A message was sent straight back. Wow she is a quick typer.

Message Received:-12:27pm  Be at my apartment at 6:30pm.🤩. Wear the cute pink dress! 👗 Suits you 👑 XoXo. 

I smiled as I read the message . The dress she let me borrow did fit quite well and was really cute. I know. I could wear my white cowboy boots,  the dress Trixie had lent and the jacket she let me keep. I am going to look fierce. I text Trixie back with a few heart emojis. I'm super excited! I wonder who her friend is and what they are going to be like? Will they like me? Will they think to to "City". No it be fine. Stop overthinking things.  I spent the majority of the afternoon pondering about what the evening. About Trixie. My life. I began to get excited as I began to think about the evening she had planned for me . Getting ready and smelling like a hookers handbag with the amount of perfume I was wearing. I looked at myself in the mirror and smiled. Trixie had brilliant taste. I locked up my house, scrambled in to my smart car and drove to Trixie's apartment. Locking the car and leaving it parked in one of the parking bays, I walked up to the apartment intercoms and made sure to press "38". I pressed the intercom. No answer? I pressed again. I am positive it was 38. I had been there enough times to know now. I pressed it one last time.

"Privet?"Said an unknown voice with an accent. I stalled for a moment. Who the hell was that?

"Uh Hello. Trixie ?" I said curiously. 

"Nyet?" Said the voice. I heard a lot of fumbling around and the intercom going static. I heard Trixie's voice on the intercom.

"Will you get out of here." She whispered.

"Trixie?" I said again puzzled.

"Oh (Y/N)! Your here. I'll buzz you in" Trixie hung up the intercom and I heard the door buzz. I briskly opened it and headed inside. I got outside Trixie's apartment and could hear laughter inside. Was that her friend who answered? I knocked the door loudly and awaited Trixie. The door opened rapidly. I was bewildered. In the door way was a beautiful woman dressed in red. She had beautiful , wavy blonde hair. A red furry hat sat on top of her head with a gold badge in the middle. She wore a red leotard style outfit which was glistening glittery red.It had silver markings and symbols on. Red tights and red, leather boots. She looked incredible. She had the whitest smile. 

"Uh, Hi" I managed to spit out. She stepped forward and took me in her arms. Squeezing me tightly in to a hug.

"Nice to finally meet you" She said leaving me go. She kept her hands holding on to my arms and looked at all my features.

"I'm Yekaterina Petrovna Zamolodchikova " She said quickly. I was dumbfounded. 

"I'm gonna have to have you write that down" I mumbled.  She left go and stepped back in to the doorway. 

"You can call me Katya" She said again.  I smiled awkwardly. Behind Katya, Trixie appeared. My smile widened as she looked back at me. My heart fluttered a little as she looked at Katya then myself.

"Your here. Finally. I thought your shitty car wouldn't get you here" She teased. I nervously played with the bottom of my dress as she spoke.

"You look amazing" Trixie said while staring at me head to foot. Katya burst out  laughing but she didn't seem to make any noise. She flapped her arms around while doing so. She pointed at Trixie. Oh god what.

"Your so soft" She said slapping Trixie on the arm gently. Katya manouvered  past Trixie and back in to the apartment.

"Come inside" Trixie ushered. I listened and stepped in to the apartment. Closing the door behind me. I trailed behind Trixie and in to the main living area. Trixie looked gorgeous. She also had wavy blonde hair to her shoulders with a big, silver glitter bow in her hair. Her hair really did have volume!  She wore a knee height pink dress with a cartoon style photo of herself on with "Trixie" written above in multicoloured writing. She was a dish. The three of us stood in the living room. 

"Are you calling for this taxi ?" Trixie said speaking to Katya and  putting her hands to her hips. Katya rolled her eyes and slid her hand down the top of her corset towards her breast area and fished out her mobile. She punched a number in and placed the phone against her ear.

"Hello can I have a cab please?" She said sweetly with a smile. 

"Ok? And how much will that be?" She said again. Her smile collapsed.

"How much! I didn't go to fucking school for math!" Katya looked so pissed off as she looked over to Trixie and mouthed "cunt" under her breath. She paused for a moment.

"Yes I want the cab. Yes I want it now. " She hung up the phone and bundled the phone back in to her bra.

"So expensive for a goddamn taxi. I feel like straight people need to calm down sometimes and just quietly reflect on their choices." Katya said crossing her arms. Trixie inhaled ready to say something.

"I'll pay" I said quickly before Trixie had a chance. Trixie turned to me with a shocked expression. Her mouth slightly ajar.

"No. I don't think so " She uttered through her pink lips. I need to pay. She has done more than enough for me.

"I'm paying" I said being quite pushy. Trixie's eyes opened widely and then smiled.

"Alright public school, calm down" She said. We both smiled in unison at each other. I blushed a little.

"Ew" Said Katya raising her lip at us in disgust. She uncrossed her arms and clip clopped passed us both and down the corridor to the front door.

"Come on, I'm sweating like a hooker in a church in here" She shouted down the corridor. I giggled loudly. Katya seemed to be one of the most weirdest , craziest and outgoing person I had ever been introduced to. And I loved it. Trixie stood to the side of the corridor, her back pushed up against the wall for me to follow behind Katya. Trixie locked her apartment and we made our way out to the taxi. I have a funny feeling that this night is going to be a lot crazier than I imagined.

Trixie Mattel /City Lights Ain't Got Nothing On Country LightsWhere stories live. Discover now