And I Love You All Over Again

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I opened my eyes and squinted through the light that was now filling the bedroom. It took me a few seconds to realise where I was. I felt a breeze across my torso. Oh god ! Where is my bra? I quickly cupped my breasts in my hands. The duvet was just below my belly button. I turned to my side. The bed was empty. Where has Brian gone?

"Brian?" I said in a loud whisper. Silence.  Where had he gone? Did he regret what happened?

"Brian!" I said a little harsher and louder. Nothing. I sat bolt upright then swung my legs off the side of the bed. I noticed a crumped up tshirt on the floor next to Brian's wardrobe. I didn't bother looking at what logo or picture it had on it , I just shoved it over my head and walked slowly to the bedroom door.

I whispered loudly again.

"Brian! Are you here?" I could hear a faint sound. Is that the television? Was he in the living room? I crept slowly to the entrance of the living room . The television got louder. I could hear a clanking of a spoon against a bowl. Was he having breakfast? I peeked around the door.

"Morning" I said standing in the door way. What the actual flying fuck! 

"Who the fuck are you!" I said stepping back in horror to see an unfmilair face sat on Brian's sofa. A shortish blonde haired man stared back at me with a mouthful of cereal. Bowl and spoon in his hand.

"I am so sorry" He said through a mouthful.I walked backwards until my back was pressed up against the wall behind me . I began to shake. Who the hell was that? Where is Brian ?

"Where's Brian?" I quivered. The gentleman placed his bowl of cereal on the coffee table in front of him and put his hands to his chest.

"I am Brian" He said confused. I couldn't breathe. Couldn't think. What was going on. An imposter? I ran to the kitchen and looked around. A knife! I lunged for the knife block and pulled out a black handled knife and ran back in to the living room waving it in front of me. The gentleman put his hands up. His face grew pale. Has he killed Brian? Where is his body?!

"(Y/N)! It's me?" They said. He knows my name!  I heard the door click from the side of me. I turned quickly to see Brian stood in the hallway . The apartment door shut behind him.

"What's going on here?" He said. I dropped the knife and ran in to Brian's arms. He held a bouquet of flowers in his hand but I was to alarmed to even notice.

"Theres a man! He said he was Brian ! He knows my name. Help. Call the police" I said jittery. Brian's facial expression turned from worried and shocked to a big smile and scream laughed at me. I wiped a singe tear from my eyes. 

"Why you laughing?" I said shaken.  The gentleman laughed behind me. My eyes shot to look at him. 

"That is Brian" Brian said. Huh? Two Brian's. I kept swivelling my head back and fourth to look at them both. Brian placed his hands on each of my shoulders. 

"It's Katya" He said gently. I turned to face the other Brian. He waved at me and laughed madly.

"Katya?" I said. I walked straight over to him and hugged him tighly.

"I am so sorry! You look so different!" I said looking him from head to toe. He was totally different out of drag.

"Maybe next time I'll get a badge, Sorry if I startled you. I came here late last night. Like, really late " He said sweetly. I put my hand to my chest.

"That's ok. I nearly killed you" I said sighing with relief that he hadn't murdered Brian and hid his body. Brian laughed behind me . I turned and melted as I seen him holding the bouquet of flowers.

Trixie Mattel /City Lights Ain't Got Nothing On Country LightsWhere stories live. Discover now