Loving's Just A Name For Saving Face

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I stood outside my home, twirling the bottom of my dress in my fingers. Awaiting the taxi. My heart was racing and my belly was churning with butterflies. I was excited to be seeing Trixie again. For the first time as a couple. I looked left and right up the street. Where was this taxi? I began to fiddle with bracelet around my wrist. I heard a humming and looked to my opposite side to see the taxi driving down my road. I grinned and gave a little wave as the taxi pulled up in front of me. I did a little skip as I opened the back door and climbed in. My smile soon fell when I realised Trixie wasn't in the taxi to greet me. I was alone.Was she planning a surprise? The taxi driver began to drive off. He was very arrogant and didn't even tell me where he was taking me. He could be a mass murderer running away with me!  I shuffled in the back seat awkwardly as I watched the building's and cars whizz by. A few moments passed and the driver parked up alongside a restaurant.

"Beach cove?" I said quietly to myself as I looked up at the building's sign. It looked very clean and posh. Surely Trixie didn't pick this place. It looks so expensive. As my eyes wandered from the sign, I saw a beautiful , golden blonde haired woman stood underneath the porch of the restaurant. Make up to perfection. She was wearing a tight, white mini skirt with a big, silver belt buckle in the shape of an eagle. She wore a pink and shit checked shirt with cute little tassels on the sleeves. Trixie . My skin tingled and my heart skipped frantically in my chest and my throat went tight as I looked at her. Her pink cowboy boots tapping at the pavement while her hands were on her hips. She was looking around for me. I opened the taxi door and bounded out on to the pavement with a massive smile. She looks incredible. I hurried over and welcomed her with open arms.

"Your here!" She said with a big beautiful white grin. She raised her arms in front of her and took me in her arms. We embraced tightly . I buried my head in to her neck and sniffed her cologne. Her perfume was mesmerising. Trixie broke the hug , keeping her hands on my arms and took a a step back to look me head to foot. 

"You are a doll" She said looking down at my outfit. I wore a crisp white dress that fell beautifully to just above the knee and white heeled stilettos. I felt classy and elegant. I had a small, white Dahlia flower pinned in my hair. I felt my skin cover in goose bumps as  Trixie leant forward and kissed me gently on the cheek. 

"You ready for a lovely evening?" She asked sweetly. I nodded excitedly .

"You bet your ass I am" I answered. She giggled while looking down. She stepped back and removed her hands from me. She opened the entrance doors and ushered me in. Inside the restaurant was like stepping inside a movie. Everything was glistening. The marble floors sparkled under the lights. Soft music played gently from the speakers that were situated on the walls around us. There were waiters and waitresses running around serving tables in crisp ironed uniforms. It was quiet inside.

"Trixie-_" I stuttered. She turned to me and placed her finger on to my lips to shush me. 

"I know what your thinking. But just saver the moment" She said through her long ,black, flittering eye lashes. My cheeks turned pink. A young waiter slipped his way slowly besides us.

"Miss Mattel?" He said in a very posh English accent.  Trixie detached her finger from my lip.

"The one and only" She answered with a cheeky wink. The waiter blushed and avoided eye contact with Trixie. Hands off pal. 

"Are you with company?" He asked directing his attention to me.

"Yes. This is my girlfriend" She said. My heart. It felt like cupid has struck an arrow in to my chest. My girlfriend. She was the person of my dreams. I want to jump in to her arms and squeeze her to death and smother her with kisses and cuddles and-_ hold on calm yourself. I gave a cold smile towards Trixie. The waiter nodded.

Trixie Mattel /City Lights Ain't Got Nothing On Country LightsWhere stories live. Discover now