When Your Love Comes Blowing

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Trixie opened up her apartment , throwing my hospital bag to the floor at the entrance. She held me upright as she carefully helped me in to her apartment. Slowly lowering me down on to the sofa. 

"I'll get the bath running, I'll get you pillows , blankets, tea, I'll get you some clean clothes I'll-_" I cut her off.

"Trix, calm down, I'm fine" I said sweetly. She was so panicked and flustered. She toke a few seconds to compose herself. Breathing heavily she relaxed her shoulders.

"Your right. Of course your Ok. Your sat in my house , it's not like your dead" She said raising her hand to me as she spoke. I scoffed with a smile and shook my head. She has a way with words. She exited the living area and out of sight. I heard the gushing of water from the bathroom. I cant wait to get in that bath. I cant wait to wash my blood stained hair. And get out of last nights dress. I could hear Trixie pottering about the bathroom, moving shampoo bottles and containers. She had a tonne of different cosmetics and hair lotions. She could open up her own shop. Maybe I should give her a hand? I began to pull myself up from the sofa, struggling , I gripped on to the side of the chair and stumbled to the bathroom. My head was fuzzy and I began to feel sick. I fell forward and latched on to the bathroom doorframe. Trixie jumped as she caught a glimpse of me in the mirror. She spun around and grabbed a hold of me before I slid to the floor. She held me up with all her strength. Stopping me from falling.

"Please call me if you need help. You cant do these things alone. Just for today. I'll be Nurse Mattel" She said closely to my face. I smiled as she helped me to stand. She raised her leg and pushed the toilet seat lid down with her foot , still holding on to me , and assisted me to sit on the toilet. The bathroom began to get steamy with the hot water running from the bath. She stood in front of me, looking down. Without a word she slowly moved her hands to the back of my dress. She pulled on the metal zip that attached my blood stained dress and pulled down. She steadily unzipped my dress and delicately pulled the dress over my head, leaving me sat there in my bra and underwear. 

"I'll give you some privacy to get changed, and then I will help you clean up" She said. She walked to the entrance of the bathroom and stood with her back to me. I raised my eyebrow.

"I thought you were giving me privacy?" I said muddled.

She put her hands to her hips, her back still facing me.

"I'm giving you privacy!" She said with an attitude. I paused for a moment before standing up  and slipping out of my underwear. I looked around. Candles were lit around the bathroom and placed neatly around the bath and cabinets. A towel hung from the towel rail ready for me. Trixie was still stood facing the door. I stepped away from the toilet and caught my reflection staring back at me. My face was cut and bruised. I looked a mess. I turned away. I couldn't look much longer. I slowly lowered myself in to her bath. She even put bubbles in . I lost my breath a little as the hot water reacted to my skin making me wince a little. I sat down. It was heaven . It did help that her bath was deep, the bubbles covered my whole body.

"I know your unwell but do you really need this long to get in to the bath?" Trixie uttered. 

"I'm already in the bath" I said sliding down deeper in to the bubbles.

"Thank god!" Trixie turned around and began to hastily remove all her clothes. Wig, clothes, padding, throwing them around the bathroom. 

"Trix!" I said covering my eyes. I removed my hands from my eyes and was greeted with Trixie, face still of smudged makeup,legs spread, naked, stepping in to the bath with me. She sat opposite. I could feel her legs brushing against mine. I laughed loudly as she got cosy in her space and smiled at me. It was unusual to see her without her wig and a full face of makeup. She scooped up water in her hands and threw it on to her face. Rubbing her hands along her face to wipe away all the makeup. She separated her hands from her face. All her makeup was now washed away. I smiled . Gawping back at me was Brian. He stretched over to the sink which was close to the bath and managed to grab a wash cloth and brought it in to the bath, soaking it in the water for a few seconds and began to move himself towards me. He gently began to tap the cloth at my wounded face, concentrating on to not hurt me. I scowled , it was painful but had to be done. Brian edged closer to me , his face close to mine. I felt his breath on my skin as I stared in to his brown eyes. 

"Will you stay here?" He blurted. What did he mean? Stay here?

"I am here?" I answered back, a little bewildered. He tutted and rolled his eyes.

"I know I'm thick but I am not that thick. Stay here , as in..." He trailed off as if waiting for me to finish the sentence. Stay here? What is he implying? He looked at me with his head down and mouth open. 

"Live here" He shouted a little pissed off with me. Ohhh that's what he meant.

"I just moved in to my own house" I said with a little smile. Did he mean just for now. Or forever?

"I know, but ,it's just, you ." He sighed as he stumbled over his words. He placed his hand on my shoulder , his wet hand warming my skin.

"I have never felt this way about anyone before , and when you go , I feel like a lost puppy. And when I see you, my tail starts wagging and I feel all warm and happy. I love you. I have never loved anyone as much as I love you . And I don't want to let you go. I want to spend every minute of the day with you. Just us. I know I'm a bit to much but I don't want this feeling to go away." He said. My heart jumped , pounded, leaped. He wanted me to live here? He wanted to spend all his time with me? I was so happy , but so nervous at the same time. The silence was deafening. The dripping of the tap echoed the room. 

"You don't have to. It was just a thought. I would be scared of my mannequin heads full of wigs to" Brian said , detaching his arm away from me . I did want to spend more time with him. But would he cope with me ? Would I be to much.?Under his feet all the time . Would I still be lonely even if he went off on tours and shows? I was thinking to much in to this. I want to scream yes!

"Oh, and as long as you don't mind Wine Wednesday. Katya and I watch stupid and cheesy movies with wine until its really early in the morning. She always decides on the same movie. Contact. Have you ever seen that?" Brian began to change the subject , I think he thought I didn't want to. I was so quiet. I couldn't get my words out. I was tongue tied. 

"Look at this little rubber duck I got from the dollar store" Brian said again pointing to this rubber duck at the side of the bath.  I breathed in and out slowly. Would Katya even mind me here al the time with Brian. They were close friends. What about my onw house?

"Did you know that bubble bath has half a tablespoon of white sugar" This was getting really awkward. Let me put him out of his misery.

"Yes!" I shouted. Brian looked up at me.

"You do? Really ? Are you sure?" He said literally dropping the duck in to the bubbles.

"Yes. If it stops you from talking" I said teasing. Brian quickly grabbed my face in his hands and kissed me harshly on the mouth. Pulling back he stared in to my eyes. Those beautiful soft eyes of his. Eyeliner still stained around them.

"You have made me the happiest woman and man alive" He said. He pulled me in to his arms. Our wet bodies colliding against each other. I nuzzled my face in to his neck.

"Now that I have you , I don't want to loose you. I love you" He said in a whisper. A smile was plastered on my face. This was the start to a new beginning. A new beginning with Trixie Mattel

**So guys I was going to finish the book here and end it . But do you want me to continue? Let me know if you have any ideas or if you would like me to wrap this up and write another Trixie fanfic :)**

Trixie Mattel /City Lights Ain't Got Nothing On Country LightsWhere stories live. Discover now