To The Bottle In My Basket

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Trixie stood in the doorway of the kitchen . A plate in each hand, and holding forks. She stood near enough to the top of the door frame with how tall she was in her platform shoes.

"So, like, I'm kinda a good cook. But I went in to a meltdown and just cooked something I know I cant get wrong." The worry upon her face made me smile a little. She was trying.

"Thank you Trixie " I said. She walked slowly over to the table in front of me, bent down a little and lay the plates in front of me. I looked down.  Mac and cheese!  She stood up straight. She cocked her head to see my facial expression through my hair as I looked down. I looked up at her.

"Oh god you don't like it ? Fuck. I am so sorry. I honestly had the idea of steak but I couldn't get the vegetables right and then-_" I put my hand up and cut her off.

"Trixie. It's fine. Honestly. Mac and Cheese is the food of the Gods" I said. She went from standing stiff to relaxing her shoulders. She placed her hand over her heart.

"Your so nice. It's not from a box either so that's something right?" She said playfully. I nodded and laughed. She strutted over to me and sat next to me. She picked my plate up and passed it to me. I took it from her and watched as she gently picked her plate up, trying not to spill her food and tucked in. I followed. Mmm. It was the best Mac and Cheese I had ever eaten. It was nice to eat something warm. I had been living off sandwiches since I moved as I haven't  unpacked my microwave . We sat in silence as we consumed out food. I placed my plate back on to the table after I finished and picked up the wine glass that Trixie had already filled for me. I pressed the rim of the glass against my lips and took a sip of the wine. Perfect. This evening was lovely. Trixie didn't long follow and placed her plate on top of mine , moving the forks onto the top plate.

"I don't want to blow my own trumpet. But that. Was fucking incredible!" Trixie said. She wiped the corners of her mouth with her fingers and stood up. She picked the plates up and headed back out to the kitchen. I held the wine glass in my hand and slouched back in to the chair. Crossing my left leg over my right and looking back around Trixie's apartment. She returned holding something in her hand. A cake? She walked over to the table and placed it in front of me without uttering a word. I looked down. It was a cake!  It was full of icing and the words "I'm sorry", written in red icing. I blushed a little as I looked down at it. I smiled to myself as I stared at the words. My heart thumped a little. She really was sorry. And what she was doing making it up to me was more than enough. I wanted to cry happy tears but managed to hold them back. 

"Its not the best but its all homemade. That is one thing I can make" She beamed as she spoke. She was so proud of her cake. She swiped it off the table and looked at it. 

"We aren't going to eat it though. Yet. It's too pretty to eat." She said proudly. Taking the cake out of my reach. I rolled my eyes with a smile. She placed it out the kitchen and walked back in to the living room and picked up the pink guitar next to the television and sat next to me. 

"I would never say you played the guitar" I said grinning as she began to tune the guitar. Her fingers strummed the strings as she twisted the pegs around to tune. She chuckled slightly. But didn't answer. She cleared her throat and began to sing.

"And I don't smell you in my sheets .
And I don't hear you in the hall. Without you cologne, or calls on the phone I don't know you at all.
And I'm growing older. I know that were over the way we always had been"

My heart raced as Trixie began to sing. So gently and beautiful. I couldn't stop staring at her finger work as she began to pour her heart in to her music.  She sung in country style, and it made me remember how bewitching country music was.

"And then I see you, and I know you all over again.

And I don't leave you in the night . And I don't up and go away.
No green in your eyes. Or teary goodbyes, no one cries on the plane.
I know I'm adjusting, I know I should just think of going ,and not where I've been. But then I see you. And know you all over again" 

She closed her eyes as she began to deepen in to the song. Trixie was talented. Behind all that makeup was still a human being. People forget that we are all human's with feelings. Listening to Trixie made my heart melt as she plucked the strings so smoothly. I began to rock back and fourth as she began to end the song.

"Then I see you. And I love you all over again"  My stomach had butterflies as she opened her eyes and turned her head to me. I was speechless. That was magnificent! She was beautiful and talented ! She placed her guitar at the side of her, leaning it up against the sofa and turned her head to look at me. The apartment was silent. Just Trixie and I staring in to each others eyes.

"You better be thankful for all this. I don't do this for just anyone" She said breaking the silence.
"Thank you" I said without missing a beat. Her cheeks flushed a little as I answered. She played with the bottom of her dress nervously. She was such a sweetheart. I didn't want the evening to end. Trixie looked at my glass which was now empty.

"Top up?" She asked, picking the bottle up from the table and holding it up to me. I nodded. She pressed the neck of the bottle on to my glass and poured my glass to the brim with wine.

Trixie Mattel /City Lights Ain't Got Nothing On Country LightsWhere stories live. Discover now