No One Gave A Warning To The Breaking Of Your Heart

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**Sorry for the delay in the chapter. I went to see Jinkx Monsoon last night in The Glee Club in Cardiff!!!**

Trixie bundled me in to an unfamiliar car outside the club. I was assuming it was hers. She sat me in the passenger seat and clipped the belt around me. The fresh air had helped me come around a little as I watched her step in to the car. She was panicking and fumbling around for keys frantically, missing the keyhole every time. 

"Come on you piece of shit!" They jangled as she finally inserted the key, started the ignition and sped off down the road.

I turned to look at her. Her face full of worry as she concentrated on the road ahead while speeding.

"Trixie" I mumbled trying to get her attention. But she didn't answer. Her mind was elsewhere. I felt like a stupid cow for even considering going to a club I knew nothing about. I looked out of my window at the houses and cars whizzing by. Trixie stepped on the break and exited the car , running around in her heels to my side of the car. Opening the door, she lifted me out of the car and carried me once more. Through the apartment doors and up a few flights of stairs. She was struggling but she didn't want to show it. My hand tightly around her neck as she kicked her front door open and wobbled to the sofa , laying me down gently. She didn't utter a word and left me alone in the living area. I sat up on the sofa and rubbed my wet eyes. Trixie returned holding a glass of water and had something draped over her arm. She raised the glass to me.

"Drink this, it will help" She said sweetly. I took it from her and drank the full contents before placing it gently on to the table. With her other arm she handed me the small , grey item.

"I have dresses and jewelry for any woman but running short on bed wear. Here, i'll help you put this on" She walked over to me and sat down on the sofa. She unfolded the item. It was a men's grey t-shirt. She slowly reached her hands out towards me, moving my hair to one side. She placed her hand on to my back and delicately pulled at the zip. She pulled my dress up over my head leaving me sitting there in my bra and underwear. She blushed a little and turned her head the other way. Struggling a little to try and get the shirt over my head. I helped her and smiled as I looked down at it. 

"It's really cute" I said with a smile. Her face finally formed in to a smile. But soon fell again.

"You really know how to scare someone, why did you go off on your own to that club?" She said motherly. I sighed. 

"I just did" I said untruthfully. She knew I wasn't telling the truth. She placed her hand on to my leg. I felt so comforted by her. It was spur of the moment. Ad I wont be jumping for a night out anytime soon.

"Why were you there?" I asked curiously.

"I had a gig a few blocks away at around 6pm in the old part of town , and then I headed to the the club you were at to pick up a costume I left there around two weeks ago and when I used the back entrance,I saw you there." She said. There was a long, awkward silence as we just sat there not uttering a word. I didn't want to talk about what happened.

"Did you get my flowers" She said in a quieter voice, changing the subject. It was her!  I turned to face her. 

"They were from you?" I said bashfully. She raised her eyebrow.

"Well who did you think they were from? Who else wears pink lipstick" She said in confusion. I placed my hand on top of hers. 

"Just you" I answered. She blushed a little through her makeup. Looking at Trixie made me forget all what happened and made all the troubles disappear.

"Thank you" I said with a smile. She grinned back at me , removing her hand from my leg and fiddling with the ends of her blonde hair. There was a quick pause.

"Can you stay here tonight " She exclaimed. Stay here? 

"Why?" I answered.

"I want to make sure your safe" She comforted. I wanted to stay the night with her. She made me feel so protected. I didn't need to think about the question.

"Yes. Is there any room for me?" I uttered. 

"Well there's my bed" She started. I felt a huge flush come over me as she mentioned that. 

"Where will you sleep?" I asked . She looked at me idiotically.

"In my bed" She said sarcastically . Oh. Right. Well she wasn't going to sleep on the sofa in her own apartment. Not that I expect her to.

"Ok" I answered. She clapped her hands together excitedly.

"Yay! Sleepover! I can tell you about the time me and my friend got stuck in an Australian airport" She joked.  It was crazy with how quick the events of earlier had left my mind. Just looking at her made me feel warm inside . She stood up from the chair and beamed. 

"I better get all this drag off. You will now see me go from beautiful to ugly in thirty seconds" I rolled my eyes.

"I think your beautiful in and out of drag " I said truthfully. She fiddled with her hair again. She is so sweet. 

"Then that's all that matters" She exited the room. I liked her in and out of drag. She was charming , witty and beautiful. Wig or without.

Trixie Mattel /City Lights Ain't Got Nothing On Country LightsWhere stories live. Discover now