When Your Ticking Like A Timepiece

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*** Scenes of attempted rape so may be unsuitable for some. Skip to the next chapter if you are uncomfortable with scenes like this.

**In Advance. Long Chapter **

Walking in to the club  I squinted through the disco lights that were rotating around the room. The music was upbeat and the dance floor was full of dancing women, men , you name it. I smiled to myself as I watched happy, smiling faces slaying the night club. I felt quite brave coming to a club on my own but I still couldn't stop thinking about Trixie. The kiss.The flowers. Then the silent treatment. I shook my head snapping back to reality and carefully walked down a few steps on to the main dance floor. I waded in and out of dancing groups and got to the bar. The bartener smiled as I placed my handbag on to the bar and pulled out a few notes to pay for a drink.

"What can I get you!" He shouted over the booming music.

"Cosmopolitan!" I shouted. The bartender put his hand to his ear to try and hear me better.

"A what!" He shouted. I couldn't contain my laughter.

"Cosmopolitan" I shouted again through a giggle.

"Blue Hawaii. Got it" He said and turned his back to me to begin to make the drink. 

"No. A cosmo-_" Ahh bugger it. A drink is a drink. I waited patiently as he positioned a bright blue drink in front of me. It had a pineapple on the side of the glass and a little umbrella and straw. What the hell is this? I didn't say anything else and handed the bartender my money. He shuffled around the bar to the till and came back to me and handed me my change. I picked up my drink and turned to look at the dance floor. I sipped on my drink. Wow that is strong! What is it with bartenders wanting to blow your head off with alcohol. I squinted my face as if I had just ate a lemon and coughed. 

"Strong?" I heard a voice say. I swiveled around to see a young gentleman stood next to me. He had jet black , spiky hair and wore a white shirt and jeans. He looked around the same age as me.

"Just a bit" I answered. I lifted the glass up to eye level to check the contents of what the hell the bartender had put in it . 

"Ah the more you drink of it the better it tastes" He said. He seemed like a friendly lad. I looked away nervously and took another sip of my drink. This time trying to contain my facial expressions. I turned back to the bar and sat on a empty stool. Placing my glass in front of me. The young boy sat next to me , situating his glass in front of him and looked at me. 

"Can I help you" I blurted looking him up and down.

"Oh" He said taken aback. He raised his hand in front of me.

"I'm George. Sorry where are my manners" He said. I paused for a second and cupped my hand with his as we shook hands

"(Y/N)" I answered with a grin.

"You not from around here?" He asked.

"No. I haven't long moved here" I said. He smiled. He had a lovely white smile. I nervously picked up my drink again, taking a sip.

" Oh really. You know I work just around the corner, if you ever get lost or need help with anything I be glad to help" He said again. I smiled and nodded.

"Thank you that is very kind of you" I said. Taking another swig of my drink. This is going straight through me. I really need the toilet. George looked sweet enough. Maybe he can look after my drink . Besides I will only be a minute.

"Listen. George isn't it? I just need to use the bathroom. Could you watch my drink for me? Once I can come back you can tell me a little more about this town." I asked sweetly. He nodded. 

Trixie Mattel /City Lights Ain't Got Nothing On Country LightsWhere stories live. Discover now