Soldier, Take Your Time

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*Let's mix things up ;)**

Entering the club with Trixie's hand locked with mine, I had the biggest smile from ear to ear.  I rotated my head to look at her. That smile plastered on her face as we stood at the entrance of the club made me all warm inside. I glanced around the club. She was right! It was a real party. There were people dancing on tables, dancing on the bar, there were people clambering on the stage singing karaoke and grinding a pole. A pole ? Was that a strip club pole? Girls kissing boys, boys kissing girls Boys on boys, girls on girls. Girls grinding boys? This place was filled to the brim with people. Trixie cackled next to me as she focused around the room, checking out all the party goers. 

"Bar!" She screeched lifting her arm up and pointing over to the bar. Before I could say anything she tugged my arm, through the people, to the bar. She hung over the bar, her breasts leaning on top of the wooden bar. I laughed quietly. 

"Uh excuse me" She said in a flirtatious tone. The bartender stopped dead in his tracks. Looking at Trixie's face and then down to her bosom. Boobs make everything better right?

"Hi, yes. What is it. On the house for you" He said quick witted propping himself against the bar with one arm.  Trixie fluttered her eyelashes and bit her lip seductively. 

"Wine. Your best bottle " She said lifting her hand to her hair and twiddling her golden hair around her finger. The male bartender spun around and began to fumble for the bottle of wine, placing it in front of her with two glasses. He flushed red a little as Trixie swiped the wine off the bar. She pushed the two glasses back toward the bartender with one finger.

"Don't need no glasses" She uttered, putting the bottle to her mouth and swigging down the cold, red wine. My mouth dropped with a smile as she guzzled the wine. She amazed me. She removed the bottle and inhaled and exhaled sharply. She noticed me watching.

"What? Think a first class girl can't drink?" She said catching her breath. She really did want to party. She grabbed my hand again and began to direct me to the dancefloor. Tugging gently. Now, standing in the middle of the dancefloor she grabbed ahold of my waist and danced closely to me. Her body rubbing against mine as we swayed side to side. I placed my hands on to her beautifully, perfected hips and stepped closer to her. Our bodies were pressed hard against each other. There isn't hardly any room to dance here. There were so many people here. It was loud. The music was loud. The people were loud. And the smile stretched across Trixie's face made it all the worth while. She was in her element. The attention she was getting from people as they gazed at her busting her moves, her cowboy heels clipping away at the hard floor. I could watch her all night. She was truly mesmerizing. She began to slide up and down my body sexually as she held tightly on to my hips. I copied as we moved in rhythm. The heat producing off of Trixie and myself began to make me sweat. I felt  sweat begin to trickle down my forehead as Trixie pushed her face closer to me , she pressed her nose against mine. I couldn't help myself and pushed my lips against hers. The world crashed around me as we began to kiss passionately. Not a care in the world. Her nails dug in to my sides as we deepened the kiss. Trixie pulled away and tucked her hair behind her ear. She placed her hand under my chin and manoeuvred my face to look at her. Her eyes glistened in the lights flashing around the club. 

"I'll be right back. Natures calling. Don't you dare move from here. " She said powerfully wagging her finger in my face. I smiled and nodded understandably. She gave me a cute wink, lifting her leg in a cutesy fashion and wandered through the crowd of people and out of my site. I stood alone, so , what else to do while waiting for Trixie . I wiggled and bounced to the music. I got so engrossed in the music as I flung myself around people.  I noticed a commotion going on from the corner of my eye and stopped my dancing to look. Two young boys were arguing over this one particular girl. She was stood in the middle of them with her arms erected, trying to stop them from fighting.

"She is mine, step off"
"Fuck off, we were dancing together first"
"You can't tell me what to do". It was petty arguing over a single girl. She was trying so hard to stop a fight from breaking out but one of the boys stepped forward and had knocked her accidently causing her to fall to the floor as the both boys began to fight it out. My instinct kicked in and I lunged forward to try and help. A glass of alcohol flew through the air, it was knocked out of a bystanders hand, and of course it had landed on me , covering my hair and dress, seeping in to my clothes and staining my white dress. I didn't let it bother me, I had bigger things to focus on.  I tried to hold one of the boys back, the young girl was say crying uncontrollably on the floor. As I placed my hands on to one of the boys shoulder. He saw red and clenched his fist, pulling it backwards and throwing a punch hard in to my face. I saw white. Am I dead? I fell to the floor with a hard thud. Banging my head forcefully on to the floor.  I opened and closed my eyes as I tried to regain my vision. I could hear yelling and hollering around me as I focused on the feet spaced out around me . I sat myself up and felt something cold trickling down my head, down my cheek and dripping on to my dress. My dress was slowly staining red. I began to panic . What the hell is happening? Is that blood? I screamed loudly as I ran my fingers through my hair and looked down at my hand. Blood! My hair was beginning to soak red. Sticking to my face. The boys were still fighting around me, the sounds began to sound muffled as I watched two security guards swarming over to break up the fight. Trixie! Where is Trixie! I kept repeating her name over and over. Trixie. Trixie. Where are you. Help! My head began to flop forward as I faded in and out of consciousness. I placed my hands on to the floor and tried to stand myself up but my body was heavy and limp. My body began to shake and tremble. My heart aching as it pummelled through my chest. My eyes rolled and as I re opened them I saw an angel. Dressed in pink with her golden blonde hair. Trixie!  Her face was different. I had never seen her make that face before. Her eyebrows were furrowed, her mouth wide open, she looked pale , like she had seen a ghost.. Why was she so scared?  She fell to her knees in front of me. They made a loud thump as she kneeled in front of me. Her lip trembled as she took my head in her hands.

"Your going to be ok!" She shouted. Her cold hands held my head tightly. Tears began to roll down her cheeks, Her makeup smudging and mixing with her tears. What was happening? My mind was reeling. I am so scared. 

"I always find you in the middle of something" She said holding me and not letting go. Her lips slowly formed in to a smile , but fell within seconds.

"You are going to be ok. Don't worry. There coming to help you!" She said, her voice quivering as she spoke. They? Who's they?

"I...I love you." She said. She bit her lip hard, trying to hold back the tears. I love you to. I want to say it , but why isn't my body letting me. Then unexpectedly my vision went black. I felt no pain. I heard no noise. It was peaceful . Quiet. I felt like I was flying. What was going on. 

Trixie Mattel /City Lights Ain't Got Nothing On Country LightsWhere stories live. Discover now