But I'd Do It Again

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My teeth began chattering as the cold lapped around my legs. Trixie didn't seem bothered by the cold. She walked quietly next to me. She seemed to have quietened down now that I was going home. Was she upset to see me leaving?

"Told you it be cold" She said cockily, trying to make conversation and nudging my arm slightly. I scoffed. We both turned in unison down one of the last streets before we reached my house. 

"You have been great host tonight" I said breaking the silence. She looked up from looking at her feet and smiled at me.

"Thank you. But you were the star of the show. I couldn't host without you being there" She said sweetly. I felt myself blushing madly. Why was I blushing. I hardly knew Trixie. Silly emotions. I tried to brush it off. I looked down at the cake in my hands. She was so thoughtful. I felt myself relaxed around Trixie. She had this aura about her. 

"I would love to spend more time with you" She blurted out. Her mouth was slightly agape as she turned her head to look at me . I stared back at her blue eyes staring back at me.

"Me to" I answered. I smiled and she returned the favour. 

"How about you come to one of my gigs tomorrow? I am performing at a club in the middle of the town. It's around seven pm. I would love to see what outfit you will pull off this time. " She giggled as she pointed to my outfit and awaited my answer. I couldn't turn it down. I would love to see Trixie perform again. I nodded without hesitating.

"Of course, Trixie" I said quietly. Her face glowed as her smiled widened and her eyes lit up.

"Thank you" She said placing her hand on my shoulder. I felt the warmth of her seeping through my coat. I looked around and we were outside my house.

"Well this is my stop" I said looking at my unlit, uninviting looking house.

"It looks cute" Trixie said as she glanced at the house with her hands on her hips.

"Looks like a serial killers house" She joked. I tutted and rolled my eyes.

"Are you sure you don't want to call a taxi? You can't walk home alone" I said to Trixie. She scoffed at me.

"I grew up in Milwaukee. I'll be fine " She uttered. I trusted she could get home herself so kept quiet. Besides. She lived here longer than me.

"Oh" I said quickly. I began to pull off the coat she had lent me. Slowly struggling while still holding on to the cake. Trixie laughed.

"Don't hurt yourself. Just keep it. It suits you more" She said. I blushed embarrassed as I slid the coat back over my shoulders. What a lovely gesture.

"I'll see you tomorrow?" I asked, still holding the cake she baked firmly in my hand.

"Of course! Can I pick you up? Well , I mean, I'll have to right. I have you car" She asked smirking. My heart melted a little. I nodded without answering. She smiled. We stood in silence. Trixie leaned over to me and planted a warm kiss on to my cheek. Her warm lips pressed against my cheek. She pulled away and turned on her heels and walked quickly down the road. What was that for?  I stood frozen,  watching her as she walked down the road and around the corner out of sight. The corners of my mouth lifted as I reminisced the evening. Staring in to the dark night.

The next day I had managed to finally get through the the last of the moving boxes and my house was finally a home. I was sat in the living room watching the television.


3:15pm Message Received. Hi!😊 Did you manage to try any of the cake 😜? Ill pick you up around 6:30 for the show. 💃💃 Nice car by the way X

It was Trixie . I felt my heart flutter as I looked at her text. I smiled like an idiot to myself as I typed back.

3:16pm Message Sent.  Hi Trixie ! Yes I did. And I have kept you some. Sure thing ! I'll be ready and waiting X 

I text back quickly and pressed send. I was really excited to watch her perform again. This time the limelight not being on me. I sat wondering for a few seconds as I tried to think of what to wear. Classy again?  Well it's better to be looked over than overlooked. I excitedly jumped from the sofa. I made my way to the bathroom to have a warm bubble bath and then to get ready for the show.

6:29 pm and I was stood eagerly outside my house. Clutching on to my handbag.  I had opted for a white, tight dress. Complete with white heels. My bag matched also. I had a silver necklace around my neck and a silver bracelet.  I looked up and down the street. There wasn't any sign of Trixie. I started to pace a few steps back and fourth outside the house. Where was she? I heard a faint sound of a car. That sounds like my car. My car was a small black smart car. I turned my head and there was my car , coming slowly down the road. I smiled as I spotted Trixie through the window with a big smile, waving to me from the drivers seat. She pulled up next to me and exited the car. She walked around the front of the car and to the passenger side. She was so attractive. Her blonde hair smoothly run down her shoulders and back. It was curled and had so much volume! Her eyes glistened as she smiled at me. She had a small, pink bow in her hair and wore a pink, swimsuit with a white, netted kaftan over it. Her small, white shoes matched faultlessly with the outfit. She was like a real life Barbie doll ready to hit the beach. I stared at her speechless as she opened up the passenger door.

"I know its your car but I'll drive you to the club. You look stunning!" She giggled slightly as she looked me up and down.

"Get in loser" She cackled loudly and I walked towards the car. I clambered in to the passenger seat. It was so weird being in the passenger seat of my own car.

Trixie Mattel /City Lights Ain't Got Nothing On Country LightsWhere stories live. Discover now