I Knew That I Got Lucky

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The night began to get later and later and the drinks were flowing. 

"Your not supposed to be drinking!"Trixie said tapping Katya on the arm playfully as Katya held a cocktail in her hand. Trixie tried to grab the cocktail from her. Why wasn't she aloud to drink?

"I can have a few. Right?" Katya said holding the cocktail in her hand , tipping it a little as she moved the cocktail away from Trixie's grip. Trixie laid her head on Katya's shoulder, and Katya rested hers on Trixie's as they giggled together. They were merry. Very merry. I slipped my phone out of my leather jacket pocket and quickly snapped a picture of them and smiled. You could tell they were very good friends. I beamed at the both of them as they began to laugh hytercially to themselves. Trixie took her head of Katya's shoulder and snatched her drink off the table, gulping down the whole contents and smacking it hard down onto the table. She waved her hand in to the air.

"Oh Waiter!" She shouted loudly flapping her hand around in the air. A young boy comes bounding over from nowhere.

"Yes Miss Mattel. Trixie, Mam" He said nervously playing with the bottom of his white work shirt. He had black hair that was short in the back and had a long fringe in the front. He had a stretcher in both ears and a few tattoos on his arms. His work shirt sleeves were rolled up on each arm. 

"Drinks. And put it on Katya's tab" She said grinning at the waiter. I chuckled slightly. Trixie knew how to piss Katya off.

"Katya's tab. Yes Sir, Mam, Sir, I mean Mam". He struggled and began to get nervous. Katya smiled sweetly.

"What's your name young Sir" She said changing her accent back to Russian. She put her hand up to her head and began to twiddle her blonde hair around her finger. His face immediately turned bright red.

"Um , Simon, Sir, Mam . I am sorry" He muttered. Katya leaned back in her chair to give him a further look up and down.

"Oh , that is a cute name " She said. Trixie giggled quietly and tapped her hand on to the table.

"Its not. It really not " She mimed. What is going on here?.

"Thank you, Sir, Mam" He tumbled over his words. Katya placed her hand on to his shoulder.

"I'm Mom to you" She rubbed his arm up and down slowly as she gazed at his face.

"Oh ok , Mom" He said , looking down at the floor, his black fringe  slipping over his eyes slightly as he bit his lip in embarrassment. Was Katya being serious ? Or was she embaressing this poor boy to the ground. I didn't say a word and just watched her as the boy squirmed in front of her. Trixie flashed a smile to me and showed me her pearly white teeth as she turned her head from Katya.

"They need to get a room" She said quietly pointing behind her to where the boy stood. I felt sorry for him as he twiddled his thumbs and kicked the floor , not making eye contact with Katya. She sat up bolt right in her chair.

"You can leave now" She said rolling her words with her accent. She used her hand and shooed him away and he quickly turned on his heels and ran back to behind the bar, being very clumsy as he tried to make the three of us a drink.

"What are you doing!" Trixie said looking over to Katya.

""Without dirty thoughts, there are only dirty dishes." She said back. Trixie put her hand to her head as if she was fed up. I cringed a little. Ew. Simon came running back with three cocktails in his hands. Carefully placing them on to the table. He didn't utter a word and ran off through the crowds of people , picking up empty glasses off tables as he swooped by. Katya leaned forward towards the table.

"I would trample my dying grandmother to win this fucker". She whispered loudly. Trixie screamed.

"Ew your so gross!" She said after she was able to contain herself. Katya really was one of a kind. I began to notice Trixie was swaying from side to side. She held her head downwards looking at the table. How much had she drank? I looked at the table at the empty glasses of alcohol and puddles from the drinks dripping from the table.

"I think we need to get you home" I said a little tipsy myself. I placed my hand on Trixie's arm and her head shot up. 

"Your not my Mom. The night is young."She said with a smile. I took how she spoke with a pinch of salt and rolled my eyes and played along.

"It's not Trixie , we need to get a taxi" I played. She rolled her eyes and tutted.

"For gods sakes. You're not ever gonna be my mom, I shouldn't have to call you mom" She said back. Katya began laughing uncontrollably at the side of Trixie.

"You know, just 'cause you're my dad's.... slam piece." She started.

"SLAM PIECE!" Katya screeched while slapping Trixie on the arm.

"I mean, when we were in high school together, you were really cool." Katya was now holding her belly from laughing so much. I smirked and shook my head. I love Trixie's humour. That's why I have such a soft spot for her . Music still blared over the speakers, "Turn me on" by "Kathy Brown" began to play. Trixie's mouth opened widely and she screamed.

"I fucking love this song!" She shouted over the music. She stood up from her chair and extended her hand towards me.

"What?" I said confused. She wasn't. Was she?

"You know what. Now get up" She demanded. I smiled and took her hand as she helped me from the chair and began to tug me through the crowds of people on to the dancefloor. We began to dance together letting the music fill out soul. Trixie closed her eyes and let the music consume her as she danced. Her cute little "Trixie" dress swaying side to side as she twirled around the dancefloor , everyone was moving out of her way as she slayed the floor. Her heels clicking at the tiles as she twisted , bumped and swayed. She was a good dancer. Better than me. I awkwardly swayed side to side next to her as I watched her every move. She was incredible. She opened her eyes and held both arms out towards me to take her hands. Oh dear no. I cant dance. I have two left feet! I hesistated but took her hands in mine. She pulled me closer to her. Our bodies close to each other. She placed her hands on to my hips and swayed side to side , guiding me with her as her hands stayed clamped to my hips. I blushed madly as she held her grip tighly pulling me closer to each her. Our breast area touching as our bodies collided. My cheeks burned red as people began to stare over towards us, knowing who Trixie was. I leaned in to Trixie's ear.

"Everybody is staring" I shouted over the music, moving my head back to look at her.

"Let's give them something to stare about" She shouted back. I felt her hand pull my chin closer to her face and her lips pushed up against mine. I heard the crowds wolf whistling and clapping. The world felt like it stopped as she began to explore my mouth with her tongue. I saw a camera flash from the side of me .I pulled away and looked down to the floor. She still held me close. I looked back up quickly. She looked in to my eyes and smiled. The music died out.

"I'm very lucky to have you in my life" She uttered with a gleaming smile. I inhaled and exhaled slowly , my heart beating through my chest. The lights of the club came back on, lighting the club as Trixie and I stared at each other. The world stopping around us and not a care in the world about the people staring back at us.

Trixie Mattel /City Lights Ain't Got Nothing On Country LightsWhere stories live. Discover now