But It Shouldn't Feel Like Dying

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**Be prepared for a very very long chapter full of emotion.**

You may need google translate at one point

Brian stood in the entrance of our apartment. Luggage strewn around his feet. A rucksack hugging his back. One hand holding on to the strap. We stood gazing at each other. No words being spoken. Just the sounds of our breathing chests as we fell in to each others eyes. I wish he didn't have to go. But he was a growing drag queen , inspiring millions of people. As much as I wanted to be curled up in his arms watching television I knew he had to go. Brian broke the silence.

"So I will see you when I get back?" He said awkwardly. I smiled back half heartedly and nodded.

"I'll be here waiting" I spoke. He took my hands, holding them tightly.

"Don't miss me to much yeah ? Cos that be gross" He teased. I rolled my eyes with a tut.

"I will try not to" I said as he stroked the tops of my hands. Of course I was going to. But I wasn't going to tell him that. My hands began to sweat against him , I let go and played with my fingers nervously, twiddling my thumbs.

"You know I won't be able to text you as much right? I will try my best to speak to you" He said again. My heart cracked a little. Not being able to hear his voice or speak to him was scaring me. He had been at my side constantly the last months.

"You be late for your flight" I said changing the subject. He looked down at the floor then back up at me. He manoeuvred his head closer to me, puckering his lips and kissing me firmly. I loved him so much. I had never loved anyone like I loved him. I cupped my hand under his chin as we both melted in to the kiss. Brian pulled away and smiled down at me. He turned around and began to haul his luggage through the open apartment door. The taxi was already waiting for him outside. He blew a kiss and mouthed "I love you" and wheeled the suitcases down the apartment corridor and out of sight. That was it then. He was gone for about a week. A week to long. How was I going to cope alone in this apartment. I mean I could invite Katya to stay a few days. She is great fun and always good company. Maybe we could watch that Contact dvd?  I closed the apartment door and walked hesitantly to the living room. I plonked myself down on the sofa and heard a rustling sound. Did I sit on something? What was that? I looked around to my left and right and noticed a corner of paper sticking out from the side of the couch. I grabbed hold of it, flipping it over. There was writing on this. I began to read. It was Brian's plane tickets! Where he was staying, which hotel , which flight he was booked with. I sighed a little. He didn't seem so far away now I knew he was. I felt like a crazy girlfriend. Maybe one day this week I could surprise him and turn up at his hotel? I'm sure he will love that! He be so happy to see me! I got excited at the thought. I could even meet the other queens he was touring with. I rammed the piece of paper back down at the side of the sofa. I fished for the laptop that was under the coffee table and opened it up. I'm booking that flight!

3 days after booking the flight, I had my little pink suitcase all packed ready to meet Brian. I had spoke to her briefly the night before but the reception was terrible and we were cut off. I was so excited to give her a surprise! After all, we are an item. I had a taxi to the airport and checked myself in with my terrible passport photo. I had a seat next to the wing of the plane. After seat belting myself in, my phone began to vibrate in my jean pocket. I struggled to free it and looked at the screen . Brian! He was face timing me. I didn't hesitate to accept the call.

"Brian! " I exclaimed. My heart fluttered as instead of Brian , Trixie stared back at me. Full from the neck down in drag.

"Hi sweetheart! I am so sorry for the reception the other night. How are you!" She said through the phone speaker. I stared back in awe as I watched her on the phone screen. She is gorgeous

Trixie Mattel /City Lights Ain't Got Nothing On Country LightsWhere stories live. Discover now