Chapter One

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Song of the Chapter: London Bridge by Fergie

Jasmine's POV

Two sixteen year olds being CIA agents.

Being one is so stressful because I don't know how to react when someone is running away when they did something wrong or wants to kill me. My best friend Paulene is taking it really well.

It's been a few months since we had been appointed by the Philadelphia Police District. Since then, my parents and her parents were scared as hell when we try to leave our house for work.

It gets scary when you see blood all the time, but Paulene is used to it when she sees it in video games.

I swear she's like Chucky.

She carries a lot of weapons, including her daggers. She barely use them because we haven't been in any severe crime scenes yet.

Me, I have a buttersock. Put frozen butter in a sock and it's a abusive weapon. I think I'm like Sam from iCarly.

There was police cars around where Paulene and I were standing because we'd arrested two idiots that wanted to steal Apple products from the Apple Store.

Paulene had both of them on the ground with both of their hands handcuffed to each other.

"Why you two look so young?" One of them ask.

"I ask the fucking questions! Got it?!" I exclaimed. They both sat in silence.

"So what do you two have to say to yourself for trying to steal at The Apple Store?" I asked them.

"We're very sorry and we won't do it again?" One of the criminals suggested.

"No, dumb ass!" Paulene exclaimed.

"Can we go to jail now?" The second criminal asked.


"Henry! Michel! Come here!" Officer Jeff yelled at us and we walked towards him.

He's our mentor since we first started and he's like a strict drill sargent. He wants better for us, preparing for undercover crimes and getting into so many fights with him.

"How come you two are here for the mild crimes?" He asked us.

Paulene shrugged her shoulders. "People think that we're not ready."

"Yeah, I'm ready to beat some people," I added. I think Paulene's vibe is going through me.

"How about you two can leave early for today?" Jeff suggested. I took his coffee.

He sighs. "Why can't I drink my coffee in peace?"

Since I almost got myself and Jeff in trouble a few months ago because of pressing a few buttons, I take his coffee as a gesture. There is no "gesture". I like Dunkin Donuts coffee.

"It's Jasmine, what do you think?" Paulene said.

"Well I'm going home," I stated. "I'll see you, Jeff."

"Yeah me too," Paulene added. Jeff waved and we walked out of the crime scene.

From the crime scene and our school, Nixon High School, it isn't that far. I live two hours away from it and I take public transportation.

Paulene lives closer to our high school and she can walk. Lucky for her.

"I want to cook some tamales when I get home," I said when we reached the bus stop. "I'm craving for it."

We're both Hispanic, but I'm mostly Haitian and French. When I talk Haitian Creole to my mom, she gets a bit confused and she brushed it off.

"Ask Francisco for it. You like him."

"Paul, I don't like Francisco." Francisco is a guy that I sort of-- Sort of?

That I like. And that I don't like.

"Stop denying it."

"I'm being serious," I said. "I really don't."

"Okay then. Just a heads up, him and Adam are coming right now."

What? No no.

She gives me a cheeky grin. "Love you two."

Jasmine: Hey lovely people of the world. Paulene, say hi.

Paulene: Meh people.

Jasmine: How do you like Chapter One? Because I do.

Paulene: Well yeah. We're the authors.

Jasmine: True. Don't worry. The next few chapters is gonna get interesting.

Paulene: And more POV's from the other characters.

Jasmine: Yeah. Hey, Paulene.

Paulene: What?

Jasmine: Potato!

Paulene: Banana!

Jasmine: The random thing of the day.

Paulene: Yep. We should stop talking.

Jasmine: Yeah we should. See ya people!

Be random & meh to the world!

- Paulene & Jasmine

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