Not an Update (5/31/2015)

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Hey guys, Jasmine here.

Finally, I can just talk to you guys about everything without being busy all the time.

These past couple of months had been crazy and busier than ever. I had to pay for so much stuff. If you're a senior in high school, you know about this.

My computer wasn't working for about three months because there's viruses in there. I didn't have the time to do anything about it so a computer dude have to fix it.

That's the reason why I wasn't able to just edit the rest of the chapters of TBW at all. I didn't magically leave Wattpad forever. I just went on hiatus and still on hiatus. I couldn't make covers for anyone and it sucks because I love doing that for other people.

But I did something productive. I kept writing on my phone.

In June, hopefully everything will be fixed and everything will go back to normal as usual.

Second, guy issues.

Paulene and I are graduating in less than three weeks and when that day comes (June 15th), we can't write anymore. We can't text every single day or call. I'm still going to be in Philly but she's moving to a different state. I can't say the reason why but all I can say is she's fighting for her country.

You're going to see only author's notes from me and not her. I'm losing my best friend and it feels like I'm crying right now because we went through every bull shit together. I know she'll be back in my life hopefully but it's going to be different.

Thanks guys for still sticking here for almost a whole year. Even though half of you are silent, I still appreciate you.
Be who you are. Don't let something or someone control you. Stand up for yourself. And eat a danish every now and then.

I'll see you guys. And thank you again.
Update (9/27/2016): I barely write author notes anymore.

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