Chapter Eight (Part Two)

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Song of the Chapter: Sing by Ed Sheeran

Recap (Francisco's POV):

Paulene and Jasmine looked at each other. I guess Jasmine didn't want to be mean, so maybe that's why she said yes. For Paulene, she hates us.

"Ugh, fine," Paulene said. "You're paying for your own tickets."

What did I just do?

Francisco's POV

"What did I just do?" I asked Adam silently when Paulene and Jasmine were far away from us.

"You made a move," Adam answered. "I'm so proud of you."

"I didn't know that would happen," I admitted. I was surprised that I'm actually going to the movies. But with two other people.

"So, I'm going to help you out a little bit."

"Adam, I got this," I assured.

"Francisco, you said that so many times that I don't believe you anymore. I have an idea and I'm not even going to tell you."

We both finally caught up to the girls and still, Adam haven't told me what he was going to do.

"You two walk so slow," Paulene commented.

"Hey, the movie theater is so close," Adam replied.

There was a lot of people at the movie theaters because there was still school for other kids. Lucky enough that we have peace and quiet.

I saw the list for the movies that are out and it makes me think carefully for what I want to choose to watch.
22 Jump Street caught my eye.

"I nominate that we should watch Edge of Tomorrow," Adam said.

"We should watch 22 Jump Street," Jasmine added. "I really want to watch Channing Tatum."

"Oh, Channing Tatum," Paulene said. "Screw Edge of Tomorrow."

"Who votes 22 Jump Street?" Jasmine questioned. Her and Paulene's hand went up and mine came up slowly.

"Dude!" Adam exclaimed.

"I liked 21 Jump Street," I said.

"Yay!" Jasmine exclaimed. "But there's one problem."

"We're both sixteen," Paulene added.

"Aw, well we can watch Edge of Tomorrow," Adam replied. "It's PG-13."

"Dude, why don't we pay for their tickets?" I suggested.

"There's another problem," Adam said. "We can't pay for four tickets if they're two of us. Then, they're going to be suspicious."

"Adam, it's a Friday afternoon with no kids here," Paulene said. "They don't care and I'm not going to watch your movie. If you want to go watch, knock yourself out."

If only Paulene can watch the movie with Adam and I can be alone with Jasmine. That could've been perfect but Paulene had to be the overprotective best friend.

"How about this?" Adam started. "I can watch 22 Jump Street but Francisco have to buy popcorn and sit next to Jasmine."

Wait what? I turned around to glare at Adam. Why do I have him a best friend?

"Fine!" Jasmine exclaimed. "Can we watch the damn movie?!"

"Sheesh," I said. "Are you on your mood swings again?" I had to or she might be suspicious.

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