Chapter 13

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It's now been around 2 weeks since the dinner with Stefan's family, the car breaking down, that kiss. The kiss. As soon as we got back on the school grounds I said bye to Stefan and went straight back to my room. I've pretty much been avoiding him since, in classes I catch him looking at me, but I can't look at him, I really think I'm falling for him. Every time he asks to see me after class I find some excuse to not stay, I don't know if he wants to talk about things or the work, but I don't give him the chance. He has managed to ask me when I'm free for another Maths session, I suppose he's trying to keep things as normal as he can, but again, I find some excuse to not be able to go, instead I am either hanging out with the guys or I'm deliberately getting detentions from Mrs Hall-Plug and not letting him rescue me, or sat in my room thinking about him while watching TV, while I'm laying in bed waiting to nod off. I think I'm definitely falling for him, which is actually depressing because I can't, I can't show him that I may love him or anything. So I have no other choice but to avoid him.

"Miss Taylor, can I speak with you for a minute please?" My Colt asks as lesson finishes and I'm about to leave.

"I'm really sorry Mr Colt but I've got some things that I need to do, I have to go, sorry" I say as straight away see frustration written all over him. I'm half lying, I do have things that need doing, but they're not important, things like school work and tidying my room up a little. I don't let him say another word as I make my escape out of his classroom.

I've just finished school and got back to my room, I managed to avoid Mr Colt, thankfully. I put the TV on and start making some food, I put some chips into the oven. I've got some school work to do too. Anything to distract me from my thoughts.


"Ok I'm coming, just stop" I say as the knock on the door keeps going, I swear if that it's Jake I'm going to chop his hands off. I open the door and see Mr Colt standing there.

"Addi we need to talk" He says seriously. He walks into the room.

"Err, come in then" I say sarcastically as I follow him to the sofa.

"I walked in so you don't have the chance the slam the door in my face" He says as I close the door. Good thinking from him.

"Ok then" I say.

"Well, you are avoiding me after-all, aren't you?" He asks.

"Why would you think that?" I ask trying to be oblivious to what he's talking about.

"Oh come on Addison, ever since that day when we kissed, again, you have been thinking of any excuse to not be near me or talk to me, that's called avoiding me" He says. He is so annoyed right now.

"Well I didn't realise you felt that way, I wasn't trying to, I've just been busy lately" I lie.

"Just suddenly busy, we spend loads of time together, maybe too much time together and then we kiss, and all of a sudden you're really busy?" He asks with a frown.

"Yeah, it can happen" I say.

"I don't buy it, what's the real reason?" He asks and crosses his arms.

"There is no reason, it's just coincidence" I lie. He is right, I am avoiding him, but he can't know that.

"No, I'm not buying that, there is a reason that you are avoiding me, if it's about the kiss, it won't happen again, and if you want to then I can resign or you can report me, I wouldn't blame you" He says placing his hands on his waist, seriously, which causes me to panic a little, I don't want him to leave.

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