Chapter 40

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(A/N: This is a huge month for me, last week I got a new phone (IPhone X), and on the same day of getting the new one, before it had even arrived, my IPhone 6 fell in the paddling pool, only for a second, so I had to use my 5 for the day while trying to dry out my 6, the new one arrived while I was at work, and then there was stress cause the 6 still wasn't working properly but I needed it to so it could transfer everything to the new one, my friend eventually got it working again and it works fine now, my new phone is all set up too which is great.... and because it's my 21st this month, my friends sister has paid for me to have a private snowboarding lesson next Sunday, don't worry, I'll still update this story for you guys, but this is insane, and it's only one thing for my birthday (on the 23rd).. anyway, I'll update this before I go snowboarding, but I hope you enjoy this chapter!! WHO IS YOUR FAVOURITE FRIEND OF ADDISON'S? Also please note, this is a kinda sad chapter)

"Hey Addi" I hear behind me as I walk into school. I turn and see Jake.

"Morning" I say a little depressed.

"You don't sound very cheery today, are you ok?" He asks with a frown.

"Yeah, yeah I'm fine, sorry, just one of those days" I say.

"It'll get better I'm sure" He says. I doubt it, not today.

"Maybe" I say with a weak smile.

Soon Alice, Elliott and Finnick catch up with us.

"Addi are you ok? You don't seem very happy" Alice questions.

"Yeah, just one of them days" I lie. I grab onto a box I put into my pocket earlier.

"I know what you mean" Finnick says.

"Since when did you have a bad day?" Elliott asks him.

"Well, I haven't had one since I got with you, but we've all had bad days" Finnick points out. Well, none of you have had the bad day I'm currently having. My bad day consists of me thinking about not coming in today and throwing a sick day.

"True" Alice agrees.

Soon it's time for class.

Maths is my first lesson of the day and I sit there, just thinking, not even paying attention, even though this is Mr Colts class, and I'm not paying attention.

I sit slumped in my seat just staring at my hands resting on the table, in my own world.

"Addison" I am taken out of my own world when I hear my name called, then I realise it's Mr Colt, standing right in front of my desk.

"Yes sir?" I ask.

"I asked you a question, -3346 + 2425?" He asks. Oh, err, I can't even concentrate enough to figure out the answer.

"I don't know sir" I answer quietly as I shrug. I hear a few little laughs around the room.

"-921" I hear someone answer quietly.

"Ok, what about this one, -1889 + 4753?" He asks me as he gives a warning look around the class.

"I-I don't know, sir" I answer quietly as I shrug again. I just can't concentrate.

"Addison, step outside with me for a moment please?" He asks nicely. I don't say anything as I stand up and walk make my way out of them room. I look over at everyone watching me.

"Does she know anything?" I hear someone ask. I leave the classroom and lean against the wall, and wait.

"Ok guys, answer the questions on pages 114 to 116 please" Mr Colt says as I hear him heading my way. He gets to me and closes the door.

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