Chapter 23

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I walk into my room from school and dump my bag on the sofa, I have school work to do, Maths, English and History, we still have a cover teacher for English, I think we're supposed to be getting a different teacher for long term. I get a can of fanta out of the fridge to drink and put the TV on for background noise while I do this work. I decide to do Maths first and start with English.

After about 3 hours of working on my English and History, they are both finally done, now just Maths to go and then I can do nothing.

Just as I'm about to start the Maths work I hear my phone start ringing from the table, it's my better half.

Is it ok to call him that when we've only been together 3 months? I can't believe we've managed to be together this long, since March and it's now June, we're about to go into summer season, sure it has been tough but we're making this work. Is it normal to be in love with someone after 6 months knowing each other and dating half of that? He really is my first love and could be my only.

"Helloooo" I say extending the 'o' as I answer.

"Hey love, can you come a meet me?" He asks.

"Erm, but I'm about to do my school work" I say.

"Just leave it, school work is boring, whoever gave you the work is a moron" He says.

"It's your work" I point out while laughing.

"Wwellll, like I said, just leave it, come and meet me" He says.

"Ok fine, just don't give me detention for not doing your work, where and when?" I ask.

"My car outside of the school in 10 minutes" He says.

"Ok, are we going somewhere?" I ask.

"Maybe, I mean, we might just be having a make out session outside the school where we can be seen, or I might be taking you somewhere, just dress up in something warm, a hoodie and coat or something" He says.

"Ok, I'll be there in 10" I say.

"Good, love you" He says.

"Love you too" I say back and then we hang up. I quickly get changed out of my school stuff, and into some casual clothes, I put a hoodie on along with my coat, I make sure I've got everything I need and leave my room, I make sure nobody sees me as I leave the dorm and the school grounds. I get outside of the school and start looking for Stefan's car, as I am walking around some headlights flash at me, found him, although it's not dark yet, his car is at an angle, I should learn his number plate. I jog over to his car and quickly get into the passenger.

"Hey babe" He says as we lean into each other for a kiss.

"Hey, so where are you taking us?" I ask curious.

"Just somewhere nice, we'll be out kinda late, of course we'll be back by 10:30 but we'll be back after dark" He tells me. Ok, now I'm even more curious as to what he's up to.

"Ok then, I suppose I trust you" I say. He starts the car and starts driving.

"We've been together 3 months and now you're saying you suppose you trust me, I don't know whether that's an insult or a compliment" He says with a chuckle.

"Take it as a compliment, 3 months of sneaking around with you, as much as we're bad rule breakers, I love it, I love us" I say. He changes gear and then puts my hand in his.

"I love us too, it hasn't been easy, we've had a couple of near misses and will probably have more near misses but we're getting there, staying strong, believing in us" He says.

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