Chapter 28

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(A/N: I know, this is an early update, I didn't really fancy making you guys wait until next weekend because I'm going away for the weekend coming, so I won't have time tomorrow because I'm packing and going tomorrow evening and I've still got work and stuff, and I'm not back until Monday so I won't have time at all, plus I won't have my laptop with me either, so here are two updates, until next weekend.... you're still going to hate me, but see the funny parts too, it's not all heartbreak, there's still some comedy in these sad chapters, have you noticed them? Or do I just have a different sense of humour? Oh well haha, enjoy, if you can! PS: One quick question, what do we think of Preston? Seeing as he's now dating Addison.. do we like him or not? And what does everyone think of Mr Thompson?)

It's still exam week, this has been the longest week ever! It's only Thursday and I've still got 2 more exams to sit tomorrow, it's early morning and we haven't started school yet, today is my day off from exams, thankfully. I suppose at least they are nearly done with, until next year. I actually think I've done well with the exams, all things considering with my situation.

I thought maybe because I haven't seen Preston, or the others that much, we've all been busy preparing for exams I guess, but I wanna go out with Preston, I won't tell Dad, but maybe we can go bowling or, I dunno, out for food or something?

'Hey Preston, are you busy? Can we meet up?' I text him. A couple minutes later I get a text back.

'I'm not busy at the moment, we can meet up, I'll be over at your room in 5' He replies. I smile at the text, they're not the same as Stefan's used to be, we had those kisses on ours, Preston and I haven't even mentioned the 'L' word yet, I don't know if that's a good thing?

I get up from the sofa and put my Geography revision away, that's my next exam, although it's tomorrow, I've been sleeping early so I wake up early to revise plenty, that's how nervous I've been this week, I don't think it's normal, is it?

Knock Knock

I speed walk to the door and see Preston standing there.

"Hey babe" He says with his cute smile.

"Hey" I say as we share a quick kiss, I'm still trying to find that spark. I let him in and we go and sit down.

"So, what did you wanna meet up for?" He asks.

"Well, I was wond-" He interrupts me.

"Have you got nicely dressed up to impress me?" He asks as he sees what I'm wearing, well, I'm not wearing clothes to lounge around in.

"Not exactly, it's smart for school" I answer rather bluntly.

"Oh, anyway, you were wondering..?" He asks. Oh yeah, back to that.

"Will you go on a date with me?" I ask him, the first response I get is a stare. "Preston?" I call to snap him out of any daydream he might be in.

"You wanna go out on a date? But there isn't exactly anywhere to go" He says.

"There's bowling down the road, or we could get something to eat, or even go for a walk, sit on a hill and look at the sky" I suggest.

"Bowling is boring, and expensive, we have food here that we can eat, walking is too much effort for me at the moment with all my football training, and sitting on a hill looking at the sky, what the hell is that?" He asks.

"They were just suggestions, what do you wanna do? We've been dating for like nearly 2 weeks now and we barely spend time together, we kiss when we see each other and you call me 'babe', I watch some of your football, but we never spend time together" I say making my point.

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