Chapter 39

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(A/N: Same song for this chapter cause I couldn't decide which chapter it would fit best with, the song kinda goes with both chapters rather well I think, again, enjoy the chapter, it's kinda funny, kinda heart wrenching, etc, as always, please let me know what you think!!) 

Addison's POV

We arrive back at school, it's getting late, it's dark and time for me to be back in my room. The car drive back here was rather silent, there were a few little conversations, but what do you talk about in this time?

"I'm sorry for your loss Stefan" I say sympathetically.

"It's ok, she's in a better place now" He says quietly while staring forward. We're still sat in his car.

"Yeah, anyway, I should probably get back to my room, I guess I'll see you in school" I say, not really sure what's the best thing to say.

"Please stay" He says quickly and then looks at me. "I don't wanna be on my own, stay with me for a bit?" He asks sounding quite upset. I can't say no and leave him right now.

"Ok, I'll stay with you for a few hours" I tell him and nod. He puts his hand on mine.

"Thank you Addi" He says so I give him a weak smile.

We leave his car and sneak back to his room without being seen, he's wearing his hoodie and I'm wearing his jacket again anyway.

Once we're in, I take the jacket off and he takes his hoodie off.

"Are you ok?" I ask. Did I really just ask that? Course he's not ok.

"Yeah, I'm fine, as good as can be" He assures me. "Are you ok?" He asks.

"Yeah I'm fine" I assure him.

"What's the time?" He asks as he looks for the time.

"Nearly 10:45" I answer.

"Ok" He nods. "Do you want a drink or something, I dunno what to do" He says.

"I'm ok" I answer. This situation seems to be pretty awkward. I see him yawn, he's exhausted. "Do you want to lay down?" I ask.

"Only if I'm laying with you" He says. I nod to say yes. He takes my hand in his and we go into his room and lay on his bed.

"Will your Mum and the others be ok?" I ask as we lay next to each other. He moves his head from the pillow and rests on my chest.

"They'll be fine, once the funeral is done and everything is sorted, it'll start getting better for us all" He answers. I take my hands and start stroking his hair soothingly.

"Are you wanting me at the funeral or..?" I ask.

"Only if you are up for it, nobody is going to force you, if you can handle it and you want to then you're absolutely welcome" He says. His hand goes into his pocket and he pulls out a beautiful looking ring and stares at it.

"What's that?" I ask. Of course I know it's a ring.

"It's my Grandmothers engagement ring, she gave it to me earlier and said I know what to do with it" He answers. Her engagement ring?

"What does that mean?" I ask curiously.

"I have no idea, I guess that's what I've gotta work out" He says, he passes it to me to look at. Diamond studded, it looks beautiful.

"It's beautiful" I say as I give it back.

"Yeah it is" He agrees and he puts it to the side. "I'm going to miss her so much" He says. My hand go back into stroking his hair.

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