Chapter 19

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I make my way through the school, the empty corridors. It's not even 8am yet and I'm pretty sure I'm the only student in school now, but I think the teachers should be here, or just getting in. I make my way to the Maths department and get to Stefan's classroom, I need to tell him about Ash. I go in and see the room is empty. Maybe he isn't in school yet, should I go to his room? That would be too risky with the teachers coming in now.

"Morning Addison" I hear behind me, I turn and see Stefan stood in the doorway, he looks surprised to see me.

"Morning" I say.

"Not that I'm not happy to see you but you do realise that school doesn't start for a while?" He points out as he walks over to his desk and puts his bag on the floor.

"I know, I came in early to see you, when I got here and saw you weren't here I thought you weren't in yet" I tell him.

"We just had a staff meeting so all staff are in early today" He says as he shuts the door.

"Oh right" I say as I dump my bag on the desk closest to me. Stefan walks over to me and pulls me into his arms and hugs me.

"I missed you yesterday" He says as we let go.

"I missed you too" I say and he pulls me in for a kiss.

"Did you have fun with your friends?" He asks.

"Yeah it was entertaining, we played zombies on Jake's PS3 and gossiped" I tell him.

"Sounds like you had good fun" He says.

"What did you get up to?" I ask as I sit on a desk and he positions himself in front of me and starts drawing circles with his fingers on my shoulders.

"You know, the boring teachers stuff, catching up with marking, it was also nice to not be bothered by you know who" He says.

"Yeah I bet" I say.

"Anyway, you came to see me?" He asks.

"To talk, about what I've been wanting to tell you" I say which makes him smile.

"Finally, what is it?" He asks. He's gonna get mad, which I wouldn't blame him.

"Please just don't get too mad" I say nervously.

"Addison, I would never hurt you, I love you, you don't need to be nervous around me love" He assures me. Of course I've never been worried about him hurting me, I know he would never hurt me, I just know that he isn't going to be pleased with what I'm going to tell him.

"Well you're not gonna be happy about what I'm about to tell you" I tell him.

"Just tell me, stop stalling" He says with a nervous chuckle.

"In PE yesterday I started talking to a guy who I was partnered with and he kinda asked me out on a date" I tell him. He stares at me blankly, and then looks confused.

"What did you just say?" He asks in disbelief.

"I said a guy asked-" I start repeating but Stefan interrupts.

"I know what you said, you said no, right?" He asks seriously.

"Well that's the thing, I said yeah but told him it wouldn't be a date as we don't know each other" I say. He then lets go of me and takes a step back away from me.

"You said yes?" He asks. All I do is nod. He turns away from me and then turns back to face me. "I'm sorry, did you think I would be fine with this? With you, my girlfriend of near 3 months saying that she's organised a date with someone else?" He asks sounding a little mad.

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