Chapter 2

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Denzel in the media

Excuse any mistakes

Bryson Pov

"Daddy" Harley said as she played with her dolls.


"What we doing today?"

"Uh.." I looked at my watch and licked my lips. "You wanna go to your Uncle Eric house?"

"Yea I wanna see Kyle and the babies" she cheered

"Ok we'll go over there in a little"

"Ok and dad.."

"Yes Harley?"

"When can I see Laylah?" I looked up from my phone and sighed. This had got to be the 5th time she had asked that this week. Like damn I thought she would of forgot her by now.

"Laylah is far away from us. And she is not coming back. You don't wanna see Amber instead?"

"Nuh uh cause I heard you talking about her on the phone last night. You said she was at Uncle Eric house. And I like Laylah better than Amber"

"Why? Amber is nice to you" I picked her up and sat her on my lap.

"Yea but she doesn't do nothing but stay all up under you. She doesn't okay baby dolls with me like Laylah did"

I sighed and shook my head. "Me and laylah aren't together anymore"

"What that gotta do with me?" She pouted.

"Go put your clothes on. We about to go over your grandma house"

"I wanna go to uncle eric housssseeee" she whined

"Harley stop" I said sternly "you know I hate that whining shit. We going to your uncle house after you see your grandma. Now go get dressed" she huffed and jumped off my lap

"Meany" she mumbled

"What was that?" I asked

"I didn't say nothing" she stomped to her room and closed the door.

"That girl right there" i chuckled and dialed Eric number.

"Ayo" he said

"Aye is Laylah over there?" I really didn't want to see get after what happened yesterday. And I didn't want Harley to get used to seeing her around again.

"Awwww shiiiit. I knew you wanted to see her again"

"Eric shut up. No i don't. Harley been asking for her"

"Well nah her and Kayla and that Tory nigga went out. I think that nigga gay because what kinda nigga go to the mall with a bunch of girls for fun"

"I don't know and don't care. But aye Imma be over there after I leave grandma house. Lemme know if she come back"

"Alright. Who you got with you?"

"Just Harley why?"

"Oh I was making sure Amber wasn't coming. I don't like how she just stay all up under you all the time like she never let you fucking breath" I smacked my teeth and shook my head.

"You do this with everybody. Amber don't be all up on me you just saying that because you want me and Laylah back together"

"No. I don't see how you don't notice. I know you be tired of her kissing on you"

"Actually I don't mind. You gone get up off Amber. Ian getting back with Laylah. Fuck her"

"She probably saying the same thing about you right now but everybody know y'all still love each other"

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