Chapter 18

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Excuse any mistakes

Laylah Pov

"So you done got knocked up by Bryson...again?" Kayla laughed

"This isn't funny. Im forreal. This could mess up me and Denzels relationship"

"I thought y'all arent in a relationship"

"We aren't but I was thinking we should. I mean I trust him and I feel like he actually cares about me" I really hoped Denzel and I last.

"What about Bryson?" I smacked my teeth

"Fuck Bryson. All he is to me is my baby daddy. That's it. Im over him"

"You said that before"

"Well I'm serious this time"

"I can't believe y'all did it."

"I can't either. I feel so disgusting. Like i can't imagine how Amber would feel"

"Yea that is kinda fucked up. She really loves him too Lay"

"I know. I don't even like that bitch no more but I do feel bad for her"

"Same. Well. I hope this Denzel dude is worth it. I wanna meet him too"

"You will. Later on in the future"

*knock* *knock*

"Oh that's Denzel. I'll call you later" I got out of my bed and walked towards the front door

"You're gonna tell him you're pregnant?"

"Sadly yes" I sighed. I didn't know how he was going to react. I hope he doesnt get mad at me.

"Good luck bitch"

"Thanks slut"

I hung up the phone then opened the door revealing Denzel looking sexy asf.

"Hey De" I smiled and pulled him into a hug.

"Wassup" he walked straight to my kitchen and I rolled my eyes

"Imma start charging you for food" I laughed

"Hush" he chuckled "what you wanted to talk to me about?" He grabbed 2 hot pockets and put them in the microwave.


"Oh lord. is it bad?"

"It depends. You might wanna sit down"

"Alright" he walked over to the sofa and sat down "are you gonna sit?"

"No I'll rather stand"

"Why are you so nervous? Chill" he chuckled and pulled me onto the sofa and started rubbing my feet. It was such a stress reliever and it felt so good.

"De I just want you to know that I really care about you and I dont want this to mess up what we have. I want to move forward with you but I'm scared this is going to mess up our relationship"

"What's going to mess up our relationship?" He asked as he continued to rub my feet. I bit my lips as I played with my fingers.

"I'm pregnant" he froze and quickly looked at me. Then he sighed.

"you pranking me?"


"When the fuck did you even have time to get pregnant? You be with me most of the time"

"When I went to Louisville. I had sex with Bryson. He is the father"

"Your fuckin ex!? Laylah really?! You know how I felt about you" he pushed my feet off of him then stood up. My feelings were kind of hurt. He had never yelled at me before. I felt like a little kid.

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